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RE: A Field of Roses (Lost, Part 7/Final Part)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Hey suesa,

Awesome twist! I really enjoyed the series, great writing and story! Although you probably read it already: Have you heard about Isaac Asimov? Especially the robot books are truly amazing, as well as the "Foundation" series! Pretty much every book he wrote implemented a new angle or idea, and he was one of the first authors writing AI-fiction. If you have not heard of him let me give you recommendations, as you would enjoy it thoroughly!


Give me your recommendations!

Having thought about what to recommend, I actually decided to re-read the trilogy and find the remaining short stories I have not read yet. What I forgot in my Recommondations-post: Asimov was the author from the very well known story "I,Robot", thus being the original creater of the "laws of robotics"! :) Tell me when you read it, I would be interested if you liked it!

Might be a while, I have a huge stack of books waiting and not enough time xD

With pleasure! There are a few short stories about Robots and the Galactic Empire, but these I would not recommend to begin with. I would start with "Prelude to Foundation". The prelude was written after the actual trilogy, but describes and introduces the main character of the foundation trilogy. It is written as a novel about Hari Seldon, who is essential for the Foundation. Furthermore, the actual trilogy is a bit more challenging to read for many people (the main characters change multiple times throughout the book, as it is about the Foundation, not so much about certain people). Having read the Prelude, you know about the whole universe and the main characters of the stories and you can choose if you like the author and what you would like to know next!

Edit: Although it was written after the trilogy, the story happens of course before the trilogy, thus "Prelude"!