He doesn’t bloody well have feelings—just responds to whatever’s programmed in.
That is still a question! Maybe we get AI such intelligent that it can understand feelings! I tend to believe we are able to get AI in such position. And if it is not AI, then it'll be virtual reality integrated with our own brains to stimulate our senses.
Super Nice story BTW! Loved to read it!
thank you, @adje - judging by the number of magazine and newspaper articles about sex bots and companion robots that conversation has not only begun but to a certain extent the relationship is being worked out between manufacturers and consumers with the leading movers being the porn industry. No surprise there
I think indeed that from the porn industry and sex robots, AI will get a big push! More in general on AI, it'll be so interesting to see where we set the lines between AI being a computer and AI being a human from law perspective. We are not there yet, but give it another 20-50 years and we will have to have decisions made on that.