It was pretty good. I liked the writing style, but I wished it went deeper with themes. The premise was interesting, and there was potential to explore more about climate change, politics, and humanity instead of just scratching the surface. The ending was probably the weakest part unfortunately, felt like nothing, pretty disappointing ngl. I also wish all the characters were developed more. Some felt layered, but not all. I guess some just got more screen time, that's all. It also got repetitive with going over and over continents and orbit. Still, I enjoyed it. Some parts made me think and I did learn about different space toilets.
Orbit 12 The writing style is beautiful and we had some interesting themes started but yeah I guess that is my problem? Sometimes it feels repetitive in terms like "oh no boarders/politics talk again" but like it should go deeper and it doesn't. The setting has so much more potential on all those themes (both humanity, politics, people as individuals, climate change) and I feel like "give me more, let's not only scratch the surface".
Orbit 7 I think this is the chapter that actually impacted me and my feelings, thoughts even if it was kinda short. Because yes, exactly. Don't need to see the world from space to know I am also for international peace and fuck stupid geopolitics and politics overall. Can only imagine seeing the earth like that would make me feel it even more. Glad we had a bit that also shows they are are somewhat aware their space missions play into politics too, we know how much fuel, money and everything goes into it. Especially how much stupid politics goes into this. But yeah not going too political just what the book says.
Orbit 5, Ascending I do not like mice experiments. Hearing about any animal experiments makes me feel uncomfortable I liked the religion-science talk too! Not because of the topic itself but because it showed how we can see the same thing but interpret it differently. The whole subjective nature of perception and how much our background and beliefs affect it, etc., etc. And the added story about the sculpture tree and how it was impossible to tell the difference between that tree and the others unless they looked at it knowing that it was man-made for sure added to it. Like, it wasn't a super deep or newconversation, but it still made me ponder for a bit.
A heavy topic indeed