I love this fictional story
Field of love and field of play turn to an empty stadium without the supporters. A lost ground, a lost love, the agony of where love ran to. This is a satire of what could be in the field of love.
Who to blame?
Was he too fast to jump into love?
Was he betrayed?
Was he not even meant to love?
This are running thought begging for answer...
Nice post @mimy
Let your pen sustain the bleeding!!!
Wow..... Pretty lines you got there!
No answers.... The story tries to detach itself from the readers: making it weird and strange. You cannot exactly say how and where things went wrong. There are lot of questions raised in the story but the story makes no attempt to answer any of them. It leaves the readers nothing but an infinite imagination.
Doesnt't really have a beginning and an end too.... Just as complicated as the characters in the novel, the plot and theme: Just tries to portray an idea of the complexities of love.