'' life brings you back memories '' ....well said Ruthie....but.... when this happens...when life ,for some reasons (sometimes without explanation) brings you back memories i don't think words help you cope with them...words are so much cheap ..
'' life brings you back memories '' ....well said Ruthie....but.... when this happens...when life ,for some reasons (sometimes without explanation) brings you back memories i don't think words help you cope with them...words are so much cheap ..
Words work like a "confession" a way to get it off your chest. Nothing changes, life brings bad things along with the good ones. We can only accept it and move on...
Nice piece, by the way. Thanks! :D
well...i hope you won't misjudge me if i say ...i'd rather keep it to myself instead of 'confess' it!!!!
...as for the piece... memories my dear...memories
...have you watched the movie it comes from??...if you haven't i recommend you do!!! ..'road to perdition'