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RE: Hair o' the Dog - Part 1 of 3

in #fiction7 years ago

Where is the continuation Jess? This is cruel.

I must say I liked both narration and the language used. It's the sort of storytelling that I like, the slight noir twang, the self aware and self-recrimination of the modern non-hero.

I like it.


Today. Today I will finish this out. I just got sidetracked by some work stuff, but if I have to lock myself away and disconnect from everything else, I will finish this today lol. Thanks so much for the thoughtful feedback. It's exactly what I was going for and very gratifying to hear it so aptly described and know it was recognized as such <3

I don't want her to have gone to anywhere that would let me in.

Grouchy. Like Groucho Marx. I just thought of it :D