Memories of a lifetime- Chapter 17

in #fiction7 years ago


Lorraine started to recover more each day. She had difficulty for a day or two to speak properly but the doctor said that it was normal after a brain injury. She and Alex spent hours with the physio therapist and when he couldn't take it anymore, Alicia took over. The twins supported her more than she could ever imagine, and Lorraine was grateful for all the support.  Her love for Alex grew stronger by the day and she was very glad that they met at this point in her life.  

The doctor was delighted with her remarkable recovery and after two weeks of intense therapy for nearly eight hours per day, he told Lorraine that she was ready to go home.  Alex came to pick her up and drove her to the chateau. It was as if Lorraine saw the beauty around her for the first time. She acted like a child seeing something for the first time. She hasn't been outside for nearly a month and she was drinking in every moment on the drive to the chateau.  She missed everyone terribly and even though she saw them everyday, it was a different scenario to visit in the hospital.    

Alicia and the twins had moved back to the chateau the previous week, and they threw her a small welcome back party. Alicia and the twins left the chateau a while later to fetch Caroline from the airport, Henry was arriving the next day, and Alicia couldn't wait to see the love of her life. 

Lorraine still got tired very easily, but she insisted that they walk down to the river to their favorite spot. She wanted to spend a few hours alone with Alex before the rest of the family showed. She thanked him for supporting her through this difficult time and told him that she had never been so glad that anyone tried to run her over and they laughed about that incident.

Alicia and the kids arrived a few hours later, and Caroline was very relieved to see Lorraine in such a good condition. The last time she saw her, she did not think that everything would turn out so well. They all had a lovely lunch together that Alex cooked and he was developing great cooking skills these days. 

Alex left two hours later to go and fetch Henry at the airport and they picked up Francois on their way home. He was spending Christmas with them. Alex wanted to make this Christmas very special for everyone, and hired a company to do the decorations at the house. He also and hired a company to cater for their Christmas dinner. He wanted so spend every moment he could with his new family and he was looking forward to a wonderful relaxing weekend with all the people that he loved. 

That night when everyone was relaxing in the kitchen after dinner, it was Henry's turn to shock them all. He asked everyone to keep quiet and tapped on his glass. He turned to Alicia and went down on his knee. He realized that they haven't known each other for such a long time, but he didn't care, and all he knew was that he loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with Alicia. These last few weeks without her had been hell, and he never wanted to be without her again. 

It was a beautiful moment, and when Alicia finally said yes, nearly everyone including Henry had tears in his eyes. Everyone was delighted for them and Jonathan jokingly said that it would be great if they could have a double wedding. 

Everyone laughed at the idea at first but the more they talked about it the more it actually made sense. The kids went upstairs to watch movies, and left the adults in the kitchen. Francois wanted to spend time with Caroline and after looking at Alex, Alex told him that it was okay and he could go with the kids. 

The four adults started to discuss the wedding, but both Alex and Henry did not want to have much to do with the arrangements.  They went outside for a drink, and Alicia and Lorraine started discussing some ideas.  They both wanted a small wedding, and before everyone went back after Christmas, they wanted to get as much done and discussed as possible. 

It was going to be the wedding of the year, and the only thing that they couldn't fully agree on, was the venue. They were still discussing various venues when the men came back inside. Alex heard what they were quarreling about he made the best suggestion they have heard all night.  

"Why don't we have the wedding here?" 

-To be continued-




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I am fascinated with your story @giantbear, I already soaked with all the chapters, I look forward to the next.

God bless you and continue to fill you with success.


A good story, I like it very much !
I will look forward to the continued
of this story.

Looking forward to the next chapter in Lorraine's life...

@giantbear Good post.. Awesome

Let them get married already