Billy didn't know what to do while Moira was crying. It seemed to go on forever. Moira absolutely cried her eyes out. She cried about Vincent and Alex that cheated on her and she just kept on crying about everything that was wrong with the world.
When she finally stopped she looked absolutely horrendous, but she didn't care. Billy handed her a tissue, and she wiped her eyes, and then blew her nose. Not the most flattering thing to do in front of other people but she didn't care.
"You look terrible. Care to tell me who died?"
She looked at him angrily. "Nobody died silly. I'm just sad."
Billy made her a cup of coffee and added a little more sugar than usual. He pulled away the chair to make space for the wheelchair and sat next to her.
"What happened that made you so sad Moira?" Moira sighed. She told him what happened the previous night after he left, and then continued to tell him what happened following that event. She told him that they fetched Vincent just before he arrived.
Billy just shook his head.
"That poor innocent child. I know that everything in this world happens for a reason, but this makes me doubt everything. Some people should just never have children!"
Moira could see that Billy was quite worked up and placed her hand on his arm.
"I know Billy...and now they took Vincent from the only save place that he has ever known, to put him in foster care. I have no idea where they have taken him."
Vincent started to feel unconformable when they arrived at the sheriff's office. He wished Moira or Billy was there, but he realized that he was safe with the sheriff and the detective. He went back to his quiet self, and when the social worker came, he shut himself off completely.
She was a very nice lady called Susan, but she kept on talking about things he had no idea about. Vincent just did what she told him to do, and climbed into the car with her. She dropped him off with a family and she told him that he had to stay there until the court-case was over.
Vincent felt totally confused and he had no idea why he couldn't stay with Moira. He missed her, and he felt so happy there. She made him forget about all the bad things that happened to him. The family where Susan left him was a friendly couple. They had three other kids in foster care, but Vincent didn't like them. The three of them seemed annoyed that there was another child there, and they all had to share a room.
Vincent sat on the edge of the bed with his bag next to him. He had no idea where to put his stuff and there was no one to help him. The other kids ignored him and he felt as if he was in the way. Later everyone was called down for dinner and after they ate, he helped the lady clean the kitchen. She seemed nice, and gave him a cookie after he helped her. Her husband did not seem so nice and he scared Vincent a little. None of the kids were allowed to watch television and they were sent to their room before eight o clock.
Vincent was supposed to share a bed with one of the boys, but the boy didn't want him to sleep on the bed. He grabbed a blanket and made himself a bed on the floor. It didn't bother him much, because he used to sleep on the floor when he stayed with uncle Allister. When Vincent wanted to put on his pajamas, he saw that his bag was opened and that most of his clothes were gone. He was too scared to ask anyone, and lay down on the blanket in his clothes. The lady came to check on them a bit later and he pretended to be sleeping. She closed the door behind her and left them alone for the rest of the evening.
Vincent lay there and noticed that there were only two of them left in the room. The older two of the kids that stayed here, must have slipped out the window after the lady closed the door. It was only Vincent and another girl that was in the room.
Vincent sat up straight when he couldn't fall asleep and looked around him. The girl sleeping in the bed opposite told him not worry about the others, because they always slipped out at night, but that they were usually back in the morning.
Billy did not leave after lunch and he phoned Vera to close the workshop. He had to stay with Moira. She was in no condition to be left alone, and he ordered some Chinese takeaways for dinner. Moira did not feel like eating and she just nibbled on the food, although it was her favorite food in the world.
Billy watched television while she took a long bath and while she was in the bathroom she cried some more. She looked like she had a hangover when she came out of the bathroom and snuggled up next to Billy on the couch. If there was someone that made her feel better then it was Billy. She has always felt safe with him and tonight was no different. Moira fell asleep while they watched a movie and she looked so peaceful. He decided to leave her there and fetched a blanket to cover her.
Billy slept in Vincent's room as he didn't want to impose in her room if she decided to go to bed. He made sure that that all the doors were locked and then turned in.
This time it was Billy that lay awake. He thought about Vincent and everything that happened to the poor child, and how much Moira meant to him. He felt much more content in this little town when she was with him and he hoped that they would be able to develop this friendship into something more. He hated seeing Moira in this condition and he wished that he could make it all better but it was such a difficult situation. He made a mental note to phone the sheriff in the morning to find out what was going on.
Moira slept peacefully on the couch and woke up a few hours later with a terrible headache. At first she did not know where she was and realized that she must have fallen asleep on the couch. It was nearly three in the morning and she went to the bathroom to find some tablets for her headache. The crying did not do her any good and she really felt awful.
She climbed into bed and hoped that she would fall asleep again but the headache was killing her. She fetched a cold washcloth to put over her eyes and just lay there hoping that the silence would help. She must have fallen asleep, but was awakened a little later by a weird noise in the attic. She was not dreaming. Moira quickly got up and opened the door to Billy's room. She woke him up and whispered.
"There is something in the attic."
-To be continued-
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5-
Chapter 6-
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Good story
Well wrote thnk u for sharing
Good effort
What a wonderful story I just can not wait for the rest thank you so much for these beautiful stories.
very well story and excilent writing i like your post
This is such a beautiful story I hope it does not end soon as this little boy must grow up first.
Very interesting post!
Very interesting to see.
Excellent style very nice greetings
thank you for sharing.. &.. very good work.. keep it up..very nice story dear @giantbear
This is a great, perfect example of "show, don't tell". A brief description and you have a whole picture or characters and mood.
I am LOVING this. I will star reading from the first chapter right now! Thank you for sharing!
I love this! Hope to get caught up on the entire series soon.
Great post.Thank u for sharing