I read a story recently about how some African shaman went to a US psychiatric hospital. He was very distressed because in his culture 'mad' people were recognised as healers and nurtured as such - plus he could see the spirits that spoke to them. He took a young schizophrenic lad back to africa as an experiment. everyone had given up on this guy but a few months later he was fully recovered and working as a healer. Interesting eh? I've worked in psychiatric hospitals and I find them chilling places. People drugged to the eyeballs and barely able to communicate beyond what they want for their next meal. this is only containing, not helping - and whereas I get that to an extent this is necessary, it is also sorely lacking as it disconnects people further. Anyway, another good, interesting story :)
that's a really interesting anecdote, @girlwithoutwings. I agree with your assessment of mental health facilities - I do a lot of stories revolving around them and psychiatry. Thank you for your input