Part 3
A Steemit Original
Written Exclusively

The blood trickled down everywhere. Numbness was the new description of my body; naked; bleeding; bruised. Just numb. In police custody, I was stripped search, after arrival, with an anal cavity search. There was an audience of 50 or more officers. Two of those officers walked me to my transformation, naked, like a float in a parade, all to watch. Two detectives and three officers were waiting for me in the interview room. That room would transform me into a person unrecognizable to anyone that I ever knew. The room was freezing. My first thought how can they not be cold? I did not realize they would warm up soon. I was their heat source. The next 10 hours I would endure, accept, allow, my transformation. All for a confession that would never come.
There is no description, no words that can ever place into another's soul the humiliation, the pain, the disgrace, the contempt, the anger, the pure rage that one feels. Unless you feel every strike, every fist, every shoe, every finger, every motion, you can never perceive the emotions that flow through the person, who is enduring it all. The pain had given away to numb. Another kick, another punch, their hands hurt, burning, stinging, going numb, does not stop.

The screaming in your ear, demanding you tell what you did. Describing her body, her bruises, the breaks, the anger drove into her with each motion. Screaming is louder and louder, until silence, no more sound. I look up they are still screaming but no sound. Someone muted the sound. Thank fucking GOD, I whisper in my head! This is all done to make me confess, make me give them the reason to justify this abuse. Once, I confess they are nullified; they completed what any sane man would to a man like me. I am pure evil of the worst kind. I kill beautiful young girls. I take their last breath, their innocence. I am the monster lurking in the shadows. Screaming, screaming, laughter. Their faces freeze change, good night.
Not allowed a phone call. No, Miranda was given. I was never arrested properly. No fingerprints, no mug shot, nothing was done by the law. This is not in my file as that was made quickly before the ambulance arrived. They were different than the monster in the shadows of Stella’s room. These monsters were stronger, more lethal; they could make their violence legal. Their faces, stunned, shocked, praying for my death. Wishing I am beyond hope, beyond medicine, beyond this world. FUCK YOU!!! Hell will send me back, for blood.
To be Continued..........
Wow! I need to go back and read the other parts, but this installment has got me hooked! Thank you, I love it! :)
Thank you, please do :) Thank you again and you guys are making my week :)
I'm so glad :)
I sat and read all 3 parts tonight!
Wow! This is a really good story! I can't wait to see what's next!
Thank you, you made my day :) I wish I had a quiet place to write for a few hours, I would get it done, and there would be no mistakes :) It's driving me crazy being cooped up in my brain lol
I am reading your conversation with eroded and I am laughing but sympathizing at the same time! It's hard to concentrate and get the perfect piece you have in your mind when you're tired or you start writing and you need to stop every two sentences. Writing needs to be respected. If you don't do so, you make mistakes, you miss punctuation, you skip words you thought you had typed but it turns out you hadn't (I may not have kids in the house, but working long hours and trying to do some basic housework, really don't help my tired brain and it reflects on my writing)
It doesn't matter what you have going on all distractions work against you. The funny thing is I proofread several times before I post. I use to have eroded proofread and that didn't help, so I don't even ask anymore. Proofreading still gets interrupted. I just gave up lol I really want an editor or a nanny, preferably an editor lol
I don't know how you do it, working outside the house, doing steemit, plus everything else you have. I have always wondered how working Mom's do it. I use to be one a billion years ago, when my oldest two were babies. All I remember is being exhausted all the time. I applaud women who do. I work from my house and it is still really crazy.
How about a nanny editor? :P
It used to be easier with a part-time evening job, but now that I got that temporary morning job at a school it's a bit hard to keep up. I try to write during the weekends so as to have things to post during the week.
And yes, working mothers who manage to do everything are really remarkable creatures! They should organize seminars on "How to squeeze a two-day program into less than 24 hours" :P
That works :)
Do you have both jobs or just switched?
Yes, they should :) I use to work 40 to 50 hours a week when my two oldest were little. Then I had to go home and do all the mommy stuff. It sucked. I hated all that I missed, that is why when I had more we made the decision for me to stay home. Now I am working again and it sucks. I will get into a Rythm again I just have to figure it out :)
I kept them both, I thought it would be hard but since it's just a 2-month thing I could make it work. Of course living with my parents and not having to cook daily (thank god it's mum or my grandma who take care of that) helps a lot! I do the rest like sweeping, mopping, dusting and laundry. But in cases like this, everyone in the family should try and do their part, otherwise it won't work. And I try to say the same to my students: try at least to keep your rooms tidy, because your mom has so much more to take care of.
This scares me I have to say! Having to take care of a little one is not something that takes just 1-2 hours every day, it's a 24/7 commitment. I see women who have left their job for their children; some for good and turned into housewives, others temporarily and when they got back they had too little time for themselves. With good planning though, this could work I believe, it is hard when the children are too young, but not impossible. I'm sure you will work it out! :D
It's driving me nuts sharing my steemit time with the crazy "it has to be quiet" woman I married.
Ummmm......when it is quiet can you please let me know. I am making really stupid grammar mistakes because I have a crying baby and 2 pre-schoolers yelling at me :( Well one anyway, Dre just drives me nuts with the tablet music up full blast.
Write while we all sleep in, I stay up late to get quiet. Be happy we don't all get up and going before you.
Well, the baby is up at 7:30 or 8 am and Snow is up by 9:30. I get up with the baby and he goes back to sleep right after Snow wakes up. I use to have an early quiet morning but nope. They figured me out and now they join me :) I don't write the comment to you on here because I am making it up. I do a lot around here and it is hard to write without grammar mistakes when I am being pulled in 500 directions. It makes me look like an idiot which I am not!