Challenge #03490-I202: Strange Happenstances

in #fiction3 years ago


A Nagha, Kevin, Ma, Wraithvine, Podmore, the Raven-folk a tiefling named Abundance, and young Venin the Goblin all ready the place of destiny that Kevin and Ma were supposed to go. However, what they were to do, was a bit.. complicated. And not at all what anyone expected. But when they finally settle down, the motley crew at least have family to rely on, that is to say, each other.
Beings are from these stories. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Problem with this one is that Pondermore is from a completely different timeline. I shall have to skip her. Or introduce her at the end of the story. I don't know yet. This fiction is written as fast as possible because firkin Covid has me by the short and painfuls]

There are a very few places ready to welcome just about anyone. This is one of them. Welcome to Lower Petraine. Here there be Dire Spiders; but it's okay, since they're tame. They'll come when you whistle and spin silk onto a spool while they drink soup from a special bag.

"It iss... cold," grumbled Yautto, who was sluggish despite the use of two rings of warmth and Ma Oxbrydl's multicoloured coat. "Yautto... be... sslow."

"Yautto is about to be surprised," said Wraithvine.

Abundance did a double-take at a couple working the fields. One was a Tiefling like him. The other was an Aasimar. It was evident they were friends, at minimum. "Abundance is already surprised."

There were lots of different peoples in Lower Petraine. Orcs, Elves, Trolls, Tieflings, even a few of the Haassisha in the sunnier spots of the cliffwrought settlement. They were slow, but not as slow as Yautto.

"Uncle! Gram'ma! Catch meeeeeeee!"

Wraithvine and Lady Anthe both swore and looked up towards the cliffsides. Where a very little girl in pink breeches had already launched herself off the carved rocks. The tiny, draconic wings on her back slowed her fall and allowed both Wraithvine and Lady Anthe to estimate her eventual landing position.

The small child, former lich king of ages, started to cry and Ma Oxbrydl reached to scoop him up. "Now now, you watch. She's got little wings, see? She won't get hurt," Ma soothed the little boy's tears away. "Look how fast they're going."

The little boy, freshly-named Sunny, relaxed out of his fears and watched in increasing delight as the small girl drifted on the prevailing winds. Wraithvine and Anthe scrambling below with their arms halfway ready in case she dropped.

"Should I shoot her a net, Ma?" volunteered Kevin.

"She ain't in danger, so not yet," allowed Ma. "You be ready, just in case."

"Veeralith Serendipity Antheson, what the hell do you call that damn fool stunt?" Anthe demanded, the instant that the girl was safe in Wraithvine's arms. "What if you got hurt?"

"I'd never get hurt," she breezed. "Uncle Wraithvine's here."

Wraithvine set her down. "Young lady..." ze began.

"Oh hey, there's a new Haassisha," she ran up to Yautto and smooched his forehead. "Welcome home."

"Per-MIS-sion," chided Anthe and Wraithvine together.

"Yautto feels. Warm. How?"

Sigh. "Draconic bloodline sorcerer," said Wraithvine, indicating Vee. Ze then gestured towards Yautto. "Meet a wild magic sorcerer."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / jaykayl]

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