Challenge #03825-J173: Educational Reforms

in #fiction2 years ago


The pressure to do evil is immense, if there comes a day when I must “Discipline” you, please believe me that my only thought is of… protecting you. -- Anon Guest

Some traditions in education have to die. Some have to be actively murdered. Forcing left-handed people to only use their right hands, for instance. Or... being very strict with the Unwelcome Peoples.

"It's necessary," insisted Scholar Administrator Brogitarius Zenonis, straight into the face of one of the Unwelcome. The fact that he was a king was secondary to the importance of the matter at hand. "There are reasons why the Unwelcome are Unwelcome and we aim to curb those attributes."

"I surmise those reasons are nothing at all related to appearance," said the cerulean blue devilborn king, his crown caught on his upright horns via a clever device. "Or superstition, extant prejudice, and willful ignorance." He leaned forward with a wide smile that showed an unnerving amount of very sharp teeth. "I'd love to hear what they are."

It occurred to Brogitarius that ze may have walked right into a trap. Ze fumbled for the ones that weren't listed. "Well, there is always the matter of properly controlling magical excess and -uh- what the common people refer to as 'magical leakage'. With the right kind of education, those propensities can be curbed inside ten years."

"Ten years. And I taught meine kinder the breathing technique in the space of hours. Teaching them our variety of shadow puppets took an afternoon. Showing them how to change the hue of flame? Minutes. What do you do to take ten years?"

"Discipline, your highness," ze barely noticed the king's twitch of a flinch. "Rigid and strict discipline restrains all unsavoury behaviour and ensures that the young princes and princess will be in perfect form by their introduction to polite society. Swinbrau prides itself on a school-wide ethic of complete adherence to the formalities and forms of utter civility."

"I remember a nurse who spoke like you," said the Thrice-Sworn King. "My wife has told stories of her time in Lithonesse."

"Oh we believe we are much better than Lithonesse." Brogitarius practically glowed with pride. "Our students always leave with a complete knowledge of formality and society."

"I never said that was a good thing," said the Hellkin, his tail twitching like a furious cat. "I turned Lithonesse into a prison for those who would torment children out of being true to themselves. Perhaps you would like to suffer the lessons you impress on the young and helpless?"

"I did," ze said. "And I turned out fine."

"You still believe it's good to throw a child into a dungeon for using a fork outside of its proper course," the devilborn king growled. "You did not. Turn out 'fine'."

How had he discovered the dungeons? "Those places are a trade secret! How dare--" Ze was not speaking to a king, any more. Ze was facing an empty chair.

Brogitarius felt a knife at hir neck and an arm holding hir to hir chair. Ze could see the blue of his majesty's face almost out of hir range of vision.

"Shadows go everywhere," he said, "and I am trained in the Art of Shadows. Some call me the Assassin King, by the way. And I have taught my children well." That was every inch a threat. The knife and the grip were not necessary.

Nevertheless, the impact was visceral. "...this is intolerable behaviour," ze squeaked.

"So is locking children in a dungeon," he whispered. "Lithonesse failed to reform, and paid the price. What do you choose?" The knife was no longer there. The Hellkin no longer held hir down. "I am merely protecting my children from people like you."

"I am trying to protect them from the evil in their bones!"

"That's prejudice at work. You look at me and see a demon. You look at my children and wish to beat the devil out of them. You can not whip them into being Humans, and I refuse to let you try."

There was the sound of marching boots. Lots of marching boots. There was the sound of childish cheers carrying up from the dungeons.

"This school has been weighed in the balance and found wanting," announced his majesty. "It is now under the control and protection of Whitekeep. As I speak, new tutors will be encouraging the students in alternate teaching methods. As for the old teachers..." again, that very sharp grin stole away Brogitarius' courage. "I shall protect you from the evil in your bones."

[Photo by Frenjamin Benklin on Unsplash]

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Does "protecting" the people that wanted to "protect" other people from the evil in their bones from the evil in their own bones make the person doing the "protecting" of the "protectors" like the "protectors" they're trying to "protect"?

I wasn't initially trying to be confusing and then the spaghetti got progressively worse and then I decided what the heck if it happens to make some sense then great XD

Maybe it's the preposition that people have evil in their bones is the flawed hypothesis that allows true evil to sink in.

[Spaghetti forgiven. It does feel like that sometimes XD ]

I am now wondering what kind of test/dye you have to apply to see the evil in the bones as surely that would come up in something XD

I remember a teacher forcing bullies to stand there silent while their victims yelled at them and told them exactly what they thought of their bullying.

Parents threw a fit about it, but several of the bullies stopped acting that way, though not all of them. A couple even apologized for their behavior.

Teacher might've been a bit harsh, but her view was that bullies need to learn that their behavior does have consequences.

Yelling may not be necessary, but it certainly helps the poor victims vent their feelings in a relatively safe manner.


The method could use some fine tuning, but it has some merit in preventing further incidents. Beats the FLAKK out of blaming the victims for being bully-able.