Vrax became closer to the badly harmed human. Introducing them to individuals who, though they didn't wear the uniforms, were highly trained therapists. It would take a long time, and a lot of careful, gentle, care. But this human was going to get the help they needed, even if it was in a round-about manner at first.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02486-f296-some-of-parts -- Anon Guest
Nobody went homeless in the Alliance. Even if they chose not to avail themselves of the public services. There was always somewhere to take up a residence. If someone is found sleeping on a public bench, they're simply offered a place in a niche hotel[1] for the evening.
Nobody is punished for having nothing. If such a lack is revealed, the public services are offered.
Aunties are one such free-roaming services. They have a neighbourhood to patrol and regular residents to check on. Most people know to ask for help when they need it. Some need a little encouragement to recognise that they need help. One... believed they didn't deserve help. That's who Unty Vrax was working with.
Their name was Yen, and they'd found an abandoned section of ductwork for their personal habitat. Yen wasn't posing a risk to themself or the station, there, so Vrax's work was focussing on boosting Yen's self-worth.
Helping them mourn their absent friends. Pokki, Mren, Tavo. This week was about Zorg.
"She was an asshole, but she was my asshole, you know? Gruff. Minimalist. Rude, but... in that way that you could tell she actually liked you." Yen sighed. "She liked chamomile tea and I could never understand why. Stuff tastes like cheap perfume smells. She kept insisting that it was an acquired taste. If I just worked on it long enough... tried adding various things... Still tasted like cheap perfume smells. Not matter what."
Tears, at last. Vrax knew better than to immediately embrace Yen. Ze stayed by their side and offered tissues. "We could try drinking it again. In her memory. Does that sound like a nice memorial?"
A shuddering sigh. "Nah. Always been better at growing chamomile than drinking it." A long silence, staring into nothing much. Finally, Yen took another tissue and used it to mop their face. "If I take a habitat... I get a garden, don't I?"
"Yes. That's standard for basic accommodation."
"I'd like to grow chamomile," said Yen.
[1] A hotel specifically made just for sleeping in. Each visitor gets a small pod just large enough for a bed niche and little else.
[Photo by Yaroslava Stupnytska on Unsplash]
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Growing chamomile sounds nicer than drinking it XD Though I am severely biased as I don't like teas in general x_x
I'm imagining Yen going from a basic minimalist habitat with basic minimalist garden to basic minimalist cottage with huge cottage garden.
Having tasted chamomile, I agree with you on the growing it front. Though my favourite tea is the Cheapest Black Tea Ever with loads of sugar and milk.
Honestly, I think Yen deserves to have a little cottage with a huge cottage garden. Getting them to accept that is the struggle.
If that isn't a brand it should be XD