These beings were havenworlders, kept hidden by their live suits. When seen outside of them, many humans recoiled at the shock. Cute, they were not, but more like lichen-covered amphibians. -- Lessons
"The suit is not merely to protect me," these Havenworlders recited, "it is also to protect thee." Further enquiry revealed that the Mycophybians gave off spores when they were in season. Many of which were toxic to a significant percentage of the Alliance and further, often evaded a lot of the extant filters.
Technology was still catching up with that. To the point where it was easier for a Mycophybian to use their personal filters than to expect the habitats to do it for them.
Further, their appearance often triggered a primitive nursing instinct in a great many cogniscents. Making them regurgitate as a direct result[1]. So their interface with the rest of society was an artificial face. Often of varying quality[2].
All that often had to be explained in small words to any Humans sharing their adventures with a free-roaming Mycophybian.
Even when it came to situations in which curiosity gained an opportunity to be sated. Such as needing to refresh the air supplies when stranded on a distant world.
"So... you're technically safe," said Human Boid. "Not emitting many spores, and I'm upwind... So I could take a quick peek right?"
Scout Derst sighed, their pseudoface echoing the internal disappointment. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should. It's not going to end very well for you."
"Yeah, but I wanna know how bad," said Boid in a display of typical Human curiosity. "I promise I will try to control my reaction when you show me."
"It's an uncontrollable reaction," said Derst. "But I can't argue any more. I need to unseal."
Boid moved to peek, eyes wide in anticipation. "Oh. Sweet. Powers."
Derst cringed in anticipation, keeping the readouts in view.
"You. Look amazing. All those colours and the phalanges and... wow. I wish you weren't so toxic in the wrong season."
Derst boggled at Boid. "Are you sure there isn't something wrong with you?"
[1] Joke stolen wholesale from Freefall. Read it from the start!
[2] Budget and personal sense of whimsy depending.
[Photo by Wyxina Tresse on Unsplash]
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Heh, there are those humans that, no matter how odd something looks, it's still very beautiful to them. :-)
Yyyup. There's always someone who loves something.