"Ah, Tori, my human friend, why so tired?"
My puppy is obsessed with playing ball.
"Oh, it can't be that bad."
Fine, puppy-sit and I can take a nap.
---next day----
"Your puppy is obsessed with playing ball!"
See? I told you. I love it, but man, I sure get tired. -- Anon Guest
They were thinking about calling the puppy The Unstoppable Force. He certainly never seemed to stop whenever someone was observing him. People, according to Blot the Dog[1], were for fun, and Blot had a chronic and existential terror of missing out on fun.
Which was why Companion Rosk was exhausted to the point where ze collapsed. And why Human Dee had had to puppy-sit until ze nearly collapsed.
Attempting to train the hound was a resounding failure. Blot was only interested in one trick - fetch. And he would only fetch one thing - his favourite ball. Otherwise, Blot was a happy, healthy, well-adjusted puppy. Who just happened to be obsessed with playing ball. He even went to sleep with one paw on his best toy.
That is, when he was so worn out that he could barely wag his tail any more.
Human Dee, knowing something had to be done, went searching the archives for solutions, and found one. An automatic ball-thrower.
It took four days to arrive, and some significant assembly was required, which added another day.
For the following week, Blot could do other tricks, but only if he got to chase the ball after the, "Good boy!"
The next week, Blot figured out how to load the ball-thrower himself.
Clever dog.
[1] Companion Rosk had misunderstood the basics of naming pets.
[Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash]
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They had to actually speed it up to nearly greyhound speed because my pup kept almost catching it. LOL! THEN she kept wanting to run the course a bit after it stopped. Fortunately, she came back when called.
MeMum would call this "running the ginger" out of 'em