Challenge #04358-K340: The Love Delusion

in #fiction3 months ago


Never get between a team of rough and tumble space marines and the kids they are caring for. You WILL lose, and it WILL hurt. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Content warning for the perspective of the exact kind of person who'd kidnap a literal child as 'breeding stock'. Spoilers - he doesn't prosper]

It's a dangerous mission, to save my princess. It's a risk well worth the reward. She was promised to me, and I will have her. I will crawl if I have to. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered...

Enough money can solve a lot of problems. Pay the right people enough money and they can make anything happen.

A ship small enough to avoid their threat detectors. Fast enough to catch up their ship, and slow enough to not alert their Hungry Caterpillar defense system. And with enough very clever gadgets to get me inside the very walls of a CRC Dreadnowt[1].

Sensors to avoid the heavily-armed space marines, interference signals to conceal my own livesuit from the internal sensors. And, of course, the small, collapsible pod that would keep her just as safe on the long, perilous trip back to my little vessel.

It took me days to find her, but it would only take hours to get her back into the safety of my plans of a happily ever after.

She was perfect, as always. My lovely Lora. Still in pink and frills. Untouched and uncorrupted by the touch of any other man. Having a tea party with another huge, armed, and armoured brute.

I had to wait for her to take a nap, but my princess is worth the wait.

Like any prince, I woke her with a kiss.

"Ur yuck," she cried, squirming out of my embrace and smacking me with her doll. She was suprisingly strong for such a small princess. She knocked me off balance and got to the other side of the room from me. "What are you doing?"

"Forgive me, my princess. I had to kiss you awake, like any prince should."

"You're not a prince," she argued. "You're an ugly old man!"

There was a click just behind my right ear. A very distinctive click. That of a primed and ready military Agoniser[2] letting someone know it was there. "You gonna surrender or are we gonna do this the fun way?" said the Space Marine holding it.

I made a lunge for my princess. I knew she would understand in time. She just needed time in the right environment. I remember seeing her smile as my limbs refused to obey me and a thousand prickling, tickling, crawling, sparks of sensations rioted through every nerve in my body.

I couldn't move. I could barely breathe. I could scream... and my princess...


"The fun way," said the space marine.

I would never see my princess again.

[1] Dreadnaughts are warships. Dreadnowts are peacekeepers. Deliberately designed to take literally anything thrown at them, and utilise it for the ships' own benefit.

[2] Similar to a stunner, but the victim experiences the harmless yet highly unpleasant sensation of ants running through every nerve in their body whilst remaining simultaneously paralysed and fully conscious. Reserved for the scummiest of scum.

[Photo by Andrej Sachov on Unsplash]

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