Why... are they putting all sorts of useless gears all over their equipment and some of them in their clothing?
"Buddy, let me tell you about Steampunk!" -- Anon Guest
Fashion, like those who follow it, is weird. So, too, are countercultures. Some originate with whatever the youth find cheap to obtain, later sold at inflated prices to those who admire the aesthetic. Some originate in whimsey, others in spite.
Some borrow fashions from prior eras and add flair. They do things that would be unheard of at the time, like wearing undergarments on the outside, and decorating them with bits and bobs along the way. For some reason, people loved wearing corsets on the exterior, using them as a basis for jewellery. Also using non-standard items for the aesthetic.
The Victorian era, the last age in which magic and science could co-exist, appealed to many. Mostly on the basis that a person didn't have to be thin to wear the clothing. Even the corsets, but especially the hats.
This has often upset more than a few historians. But Steampunk has never been about historical accuracy. They imagine an alternate world in which magic and science can co-exist, but excised the racism, sexism, and colonialism to make it more about the fun parts than all the associated misery.
Just like those who attend Renfaires ignore the superstition, disease, and unpleasant odours of the pre-industrial era.
In fact, most countercultural fashion choices are based entirely around what the wearer thinks is pretty or looks awesome. The very odd part about all of this in regards to Steampunk is that the death creeps back in. People wear bird skulls or have bone imagery as part of their accessories. Model coffins with tiny skeletons inside. Taxidermy eyes amidst the gears and skeletal hands holding old-fashioned keys.
And, in this case, a corset adorned with gears and machine parts that formed a skull and crossbones. It glittered and gleamed in a way most appealing to the Human eye, but was not made to do anything.
Companion Gris, still confused by all of it, could see the skull as well as the vast impracticality of it all. "Why?" ze said. "That will catch on things and it has no function."
"It has a function," said Human Joi, fussing with a decoration in their hair. "It makes me very happy. I feel awesome."
There would be more wearing gears as part of their clothing, as part of their jewellery. As part of the overt extra-ness of it all. Impractical clothing for an imagined past, strictly for enjoyment of all around.
Including the wearer.
[Photo by Dalila Moreira on Unsplash]
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Heh, Can you imagine taking a galactic to a Steampunk convention?
In my imagination alone, a certain robot steampunk band WILL be there :D The ultimate of very special guest stars.