Challenge #04426-L042: Not Made For You

in #fiction9 days ago


There's only one rule in this dungeon, stay out of the places with bright light. That is an odd thing, for usually the light brings clarity. But here? It's used to fool the unwary unto danger. -- Anon Guest

One truth is known to those who build and keep dungeons: Adventurers like light. They're surface folk, they can't help it. For them, light is safety, security, and sanctuary. So there was a time that those who wished to discourage Adventurers put deadly traps in welcoming light.

This is the only one that survives.

Adventurers don't like the deceptive dungeons, to the point where most of them were utterly destroyed. And so were the people who built them. The only reason this particular dungeon remains is simple: Everdark denizens can become Adventurers too.

Some go through it with their fellows from the Everdark. Some had made friends with the Sunsiders, and thus warned them of the 'backwards' rules. Many of the latter can gift their surface-born allies with the ability to see in the dark, even if such a gift is temporary.

There's also guardians of the dungeon who prevent the occasional all-Sunsider team from venting their frustrations on the structure of the dungeon itself.

"This place has been a nightmare," complained the Adventurer known as Hero. "Everything that looks like a sanctuary is a gods-damned deathtrap! It deserves to be razed from existence!"

"Should we raze your dungeons? The ones with rules we do not expect?" challenged the Deep D'varuh who had given them sanctuary. "This is one place that is not meant for you. Of all the places for Adventurers, this is one made for those who live in darkness."

"That's not fair," whined the Cleric of Tyr[1]. "We all nearly died so many times."

"So would the Everdark kind if they went to your Sunsider dungeons, unawares."

"Listen," said the Sunsider rogue, "We've all had more than enough of this place. We want it gone."

"So where should the Everdark folk adventure?" asked the D'varuh. "Through your Sunsider towns."

"Er," said Hero. "Maybe not. Can you -please- guide us to the -um- Sunsider entrance? Or... exit, as the case may be?"

"What?" said the Cleric. "Why?"

"Do you really want a bunch of Deep Dark Folk going on adventures up top?"

There was some quick recollections of everything Adventurers thought was normal behaviour in dungeons. "Now that you put it that way," said the Cleric. "No."

[1] Tyr, the god of justice. I'll allow the irony to soak in at this point.

[Photo by Daan Mooij on Unsplash]

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Me thinks the "Cleric of Tyr" only pays lip service to their god.

"The only justice is my justice" kind of thought. But yes, they're overdue an epiphany.

Hm, that gives me a prompt idea.