For those who constantly have bad dreams, this gentle hellkin sells charms you wear that turns even the worst dreams good. But, be warned, don't be unkind to this soothing soul. Or you'll have bad dreams for a month. Don't worry, they never make the curse permanent, they're too kind for that. -- Anon Guest
Respite worked as they walked, though some of it didn't look like work at all. The spindle-spinning did indeed look like work. So too did the herb-gathering or tying the resulting bundles to their pack to dry. What didn't look like work was messing around with bark, herbs, and their strangely-spun thread.
There were also twigs of hazel wood, strands of hair, feathers, and interesting stones in there as well. They looked like an odd mishmash of fisherman's fly, a tatterdemalion's[1] handmade doll, and a hedge-witch's warding charm. Which was not very far from the truth.
Respite made dream charms. If added to a sleeper's bed, they devoured nightmares and transformed them into sweet dreams.
When they weren't making those charms, they also made Trouble Dolls out of similar materials. The difference between the two was that there was more fabric on the Trouble Dolls.
They generally minded their own business and did their best to maintain good manners wherever they went. However... there were always people who objected to a Hellkin in their line of sight.
The improvised gang of teenagers came running up to Respite just as they sat at the tavern's outdoor table with their food. They didn't win any hearts with their chant.
"Trash the teuf! Trash the teuf!" They ran up, overturned the table, knocked Respite over and ran off with their pack.
The locals who saw the whole thing helped gather everything those kids scattered all over the village.
"Don't you worry none," said the Taverner. "We know who they is. They'll get theirs."
"They will have need of me," said Respite with calm reassurance. "That is when they will gift me a full apology." Respite set their pack back into order with gracious thanks to their helpers, and saw to those with night terrors, nightmares, and even sleep paralysis for the rest of the week.
Then one of the boys who had attacked Respite cautiously approached them. Step by small and tentative step as Respite spoke details with their latest patient. He was increasingly anxious. Increasingly nervous. Trembling even before he got close enough to be noticed by all parties.
He also had deep shadows under his eyes and wavered because he was constantly nodding into tiny fits of sleep. He always startled out of it after a second of having shut his eyes.
Goodie Laurintz folded her arms and said, "I see you Bian Marshwood, and I know what you done. You ain't bothering our healer on my watch or you're getting my copper stick[2] straight on your arse."
Bian mumbled, "Ain't wanting no trouble, m'm."
Goodie Laurintz was impressed. "First time in his life he's called me m'm. This has to be right serious."
Respite made him wait until they were finished with their patient. "So. You have come to apologise?"
Bian dropped to his knees. "Please, mage devil y'r honour; I been havin' wicked bad dreams ever since me 'n' me mates... did... that... thing. T' you. We didn't know you had powers like that. It was Pobur who took the coin and spent it on the sweet rolls, but it was Morin who took a shit into the bag. I ain't taken nowt, I just threw it to the winds. I'm sorry I done it, I'm sorry I thought it'd be funny. Even me da putting me to ditch-digging ain't as bad as days and days o' fearin' sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see horrors, and they ain't goin' too far away when I wake. Please... please call 'em off... I'll do anything."
"Will you learn from this lesson?" said Respite.
"I'll never torment another Hellkin so long as I live, yer honour."
"You will never torment another soul," corrected Respite. "No tormenting any other, be they your neighbours, your fellow villagers, or a stranger passing through. No matter what they are."
"Yes yer honour. Yes! Swear it on every god."
Respite handed him a Trouble Doll, plucked a hair from his head, and sewed it into the doll's chest. "This will work for you and only you. Keep it close to you when you sleep and it shall keep the horrors at bay."
He wept gratitude into Respite's knees.
The other four came to Respite over the next four days. Morin was made to scrub Respite's coin bag until it was springtime fresh.
[1] A person whose appearance is ragged and frayed. A beggar who scrounges through refuse for everything they need.
[2] A long, wooden rod used to push clothing down into the boiling water of a washbasin. Those washbasins were often made of copper so they could be put over the fire.
[Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash]
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Wish we had someone like that for my husband's nightmares. I've put in nightlights, and they've helped, but he sometimes gets them so bad, despite that, he'll wake up thinking it's real. He's had those since we met.
That's awful. Now I'm wishing the magic I'm making up was real.
Most of the stuff we have is applied psychology and sleep hygiene.
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