Does it really matter what you pick? You sensed it haven’t you, the other choices you made runs parallel to your actions. You haven’t realized you already decided, you already tipped the domino of cause and effect. The multiverse is filled with the corpuses of your failures. -- Anon Guest
It doesn't matter, whispered the voice in the back of the Hellkin's mind. You can try your heart out in proving yourself a hero... they'll still call you a monster.
Ze was used to that voice. It had been a constant companion since the first time ze'd learned the harsh lesson that ze was a monster. And that there were a very rare few that ever spent their sympathy or empathy on monsters. The Hellkin had only met a very few to even tolerate hir presence.
Those were hir adventuring companions. Each seeking the grandest prize they could grasp. Money. Fame. Adulation. That was how they started. One by one, all put their starting ambitions aside in favour of the greater good. This Hellkin had not, as it was the simplest for many, but nigh impossible for hir.
Ze wanted acceptance.
They had battled long and hard against sundry evils, seeking to free one who would, legend said, make the world a better place. It was protected by the worst of magic wards. Made to sap courage, made to ebb at will and internal fortitude. Made to maximise sorrows, increase hurts, and drain away motivation.
Each one of hir companions were weak with weeping. Staring into corners in despair. Unconscious from the burden of their sorrows.
The Hellkin had borne such weight for all hir life. Persisting to the final door despite the growing volume of hir whispering doubts.
The salvation you seek will kill monsters like you, said hir inner voice. Open that door and you will be the first to fall. The first to be damned.
"Even if I fall, the salvation will be free," muttered the Hellkin. "So many say the world will be better without monsters... Let's see."
The whisper got louder. Became audible. Even hir companions turned their heads at the sound of it.
"You'll never win," argued the voice. "The world will always be terrible."
"Then I can't make it worse," said the Hellkin. "And I am well used to being a loser."
"Who are you to dare this door?" the voice bellowed.
"I named myself Hope," said the Hellkin, and unlocked the door. The enchantments shattered. The hopelessness evaporated like fog in the sun. Hope's fellows breathed immense sighs of relief.
Inside, freshly released from hir magical bonds... was an Elf. One actually glad to see a Hellkin like hope. The embrace was almost as much of a surprise as the thanks.
Wraithvine was free to wander and help once more.
Worth every tear.
[Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash]
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