"I just wanted to HODL Cardano, but the Pump and Dumps made me and my Family run to Ripple." ~ Fiction

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Where is Cardano going? Ask the Cowboy when the next Cardano Pump is.

Scroll his messages. He seems to have a lot of time on his hands. With little else to do but Poomp ADA -37.50% . Get's triggered at the thought of Cardano's longterm opportunity for investors and prefers tipping off others as to when he and the Cardano Chat rooms are executing Pump and Dumps. I say Pump And Dump because one can go to the official Cardano chat rooms to follow when the Pump and Dumps are. And if you want to know where price is going, don't bother with TA or FA. Don't bother even looking at the chart.

Just ask this guy:
https://www.tradingview.com/chat/history/?room=bitcoin&date=2017-12-30&tzoffset=360&usernames=chad333 He'll tell you.

You can message this guy for when the pumps are. he gets triggered by any mention of a dip and is only trading ADA. Also watch any accounts on Trading view that have 0-0-0 rep. Zero Charts, Zero Connections. They Pump ADA.


My concern is that ADA can pull an NXT if they keep this up. It's the same thing that happened to BURST. I was in the SteemSpeak Chats when lead devs came in confessing Adam Guerbez hijacked BURST and was artificially pumping price so much it hurt their "Asset Program" . They made the mistake of paying him in BURST, then he had Millions and could manipulate the price. Now Cardano has a cult of Pump and Dumpers that are robbing the candy store when they could be owning the whole block.

Look at any other coin's history with a major pump like this: Even XRP. Mega pump followed by mega dump. I guess the strategy is to create a bunch of heavy bag holders who will sell back cheap over long period of time. But it hurts the public image for any kind of Noob. It hurts anyone's image who promotes ADA, noobs will buy these tops and get REKT. Then advocates are left looking like pricks who were in on it.

Had they just left it alone, Cardano would be a crypto prince by Summer. If they really have projects scheduled for completion then they could just keep rolling them out and price would continue in a steady fashioin. Instead, it's just another shitcoin that will piss off a lot of people who HODL when it pulls an NXT and crashes straight to hell.

The guy on Trading View that I linked would brag about putting in another $50K at a time into it every time it dipped as far back as the 20th. That's when it was supposed to correct to at least a .3 fib. If it was really healthy it would retrace to the .5 or .6ish. BUt no, it never retraced. It held price for a week. I posted a chart showing it needed a dip and that guy taunted me with boasting 50K buy ins.

If you subscribe to BittrexWhaleSniper, you'll get alerts for suspicious activity on Bittrex, CryptoPing gives alerts for many exchanges but will also let you know when suspicious activity is happening.

But all you need to do is follow that Trading View guy as well as these Cardano chats:

https://chat.cardanohub.org/channel/trading https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/ https://forum.cardanohub.org/

Watch for accounts on Trading View with 0-0-0 reputations, they are always the ones yelling in all caps to "Buy now or get left behind." There's a guy on Twitter called Crypto Callz that openly invites people to his pump and dump club where he orders everyone to "Troll Troll Troll, Go Go Go." And sure enough they show up in Trading View without any imagination or creativity and do as they are told. They obey and they troll and prey on people's emotions, FUD, and FOMO. It is manipulative and a black eye on crypto.

I will have my critics. The critics will shrug and say, "It's crypto, get used to it." Then those same people will chastise the public for NOT being in Crypto. That preys on the inexperienced, guilt tripping them into a trap.

They're the same as the guy in the tunnel between the Blue Line and the Red Line, the guy who would stand all by himself with a cigar laughing at us all on our way to work, "You're all jealous of me. You're jealous of me. I have more money than you and don't have to work." He must have gotten up earlier than all of us. He dressed for the occasion. He stood there and smoked a lit cigar. Chuckling and then yelling, getting louder when the trains rumbled to make sure his lonely voice was heard. "You're jealous of me. I have more money than you..." One day I saw him stumbling up the steps. I was in a rush so I did not see much. I was always in a rush. But I saw him stumbling up the steps being chased by a handful of youth. The man was still clutching his cigar as he stumbled up the steps as fast as he could. The youth were in pursuit. They were taunting him, "You're jealous of me.... You are jealous of me...." I saw a police officer stand to the side, stoic, uninterested. Chicago has it's own special way of letting the circle burn.

There seem to be a frenzy of old men with cigars on both sides of the fiat and crypto line. They're all standing in the tunnel with their lonely calls for worship. I love how Tai Zen completely ignores any question about Pump and Dump Clubs in Crypto. I asked a couple times in a recent livestream, he just kept saying "Nope nobody's asking any more questions..." Meanwhile he sells his training course to noobs, chastizes the public that are not in crypto, but irresponsibly avoiding the issue of warning the public about the Pump and Dump clubs lurking as soon as one enters the trading room. I love how the Church of EOS preach a legalese disclaimer is there to protect their butts while exposing yours and chastise the noobs they court for not disobeying their own agreements. Hypocrisy is Justice in the eyes of those who think they see.

The dream once woke me as a bloody faced woman stood over my bed, holding out her arms she held a fist of gold in one hand and a beating heart in the other, "I calls it hows I sees it and I'm oh so fucking blind."

You think I'm bringing my friends and family into this war zone? You think I'm feeding them to this zombie sheep. My blood's lion cubs will chase them up the hill. I do not fear the pain they'll feel, but the claw marks left on those who dare taunt them.

I'm supposed to preach that Crypto is a utopian future while the dystopia of deceit is the modus operandi?

Privacy Coins preaching a false hope in Anonymity and decentralized smart contract projects are mingled with Affiliate Ponzis and Financial Vehicles are nothing more than the old world of greed that crypto claims to be escaping. Blockchain's most telling feature is that everything exists forever. It's a trojan horse to dream of privacy, especially if that is the only selling point of said coin. Banks and mainstream media won't embrace the dark ponzis, fake pumped, and privacy coins. And these antics by pump and dump clubs will contribute to Ripple's rise as they are at least open about controlling the supply. The Decentralized Dream is crumbling with every pump of ADA and everyone who stands idly by in silent support.

I am forced to tell family and friends to buy as much Ripple and Stellar Lumens now because the Banks will win. Because they have meaningful jobs that keep our economy standing and put food on the table for their kids. They will not be sitting here wanting to watch the orders come in robotically go back and forth. They want to HODL on. Whether it is Crpto or Fiat. And right now, I understand why they stay with fiat, or why they will run to Ripple.

Even now, I must disclose I am adrift in swinging trades. A hundred pips, a thousand satoshis, this manipulated price has left me taking profit to grow richer by the hour, but tired by the minute. I do not care. I am merely jealous of those who do not know. I envy those with nothing left. I long for the days when I slept on dirt, near the crashing sounds of water and the ripple of wind against the tent. Far away to HODL the nothing, I long to sleep again.

~The End~

(@jacobts is a writer and an improviser and he has no idea what he is doing.)


great post friend keep it up..

Thank you very much. Be well.

Good post brother

Thank You for reading. Be safe.

Wow thanks for sharing jacob. I still have to read this though : )

All good. Always nice to see you Varun.

Not entirely certain this is "fiction" but I liked it! Upvoted!

Thank you. Nothing is real ;) Be safe and be well.

I buy storiqa in presale

right on!

Life story and good information

Good post

Thank you

Good posts friend

very nice article brother @jacobts

Thank You.

I have a message for everyone. I highly reccomend NOT investing in CARDANO (ADA) at this time. IF You are already in, fine. But as of thte 3000 level it ihas been in an artifical pump. I watched the order books: 50Ks worth of orders or more would pop in and out of the buy area and disappear before reaching being filled. A guy on Trading View was bragging about doing it. When he complained that Bittrex wasn't working for him, sure enough price started to drop. Other users would comment that he had contacted them about a Pump. Watch any user on Trading View that has a 0-0-0 reputation: they usually are the ones manipulating others emotions with FOMO. Be careful everyone. I wrote about my experience in this "Fictional" story in my latest post. But you do not have to read it. You do have to remember that these pump and dump clubs are like robbing the candy store, instead of taking the time to Own the Whole City Block. They deter anyone else new from entering the neighborhood. They take advantage of noobs and then they never come back and then they run to Ripple and "Decentralized Privacy Smart Contract Ponzi Affiliate" shill wail and moan that Ripple is taking off. It was all created by Bilderberg. Peter Thiel is behind Ethereum. Charlie Lee comitted insider trading. The only thing that matters is this: are you safe, is your family safe, are your friends safe. If you are a loner only interested in Lambos, please I invite you to an improv show or the arts and meet good people. Otherwise loners risk turning to the dark side and end up becoming shill zombies for pump and dump clubs like Cardano.

nice post

i dont read much, i only educate myself for the things i need or want but then comes things like this that trap my attention. Thanks for sharing.

Tis art and reality clashing from hope to someday just be a writer again. Thank you for stopping by. :) Be well!