Thank you for saying that! It really means a lot :D I remember you commenting on one of the earlier chapters, and I was afraid that I lost your interest. So, I'm glad that you've kept up with it. I really appreciate it, man.
I don't want to spoil anything, so you'd just have to wait and see how that dynamic develops :)
Sorry, i tend to only comment when I have something substantial to say or if I really want to say something but can't manage anything better than "wow awesome" style comments :)
That's alright. Completely understandable :) I do the same thing actually, but I really force myself to make it a point and comment on posts that my supporters post. I refrain from leaving "wow awesome" style comments as well. I always make it a point to leave heartfelt comments. So, thanks for gracing this post with your presence! It really means a lot :)
Followed you back just because of this interaction. Looking forward to continually mutually supporting each other in the future!