Flash Fiction Friday Number 4: Reymir's Savior

in #fiction6 years ago

Welcome to another Flash Fiction Friday. On a Saturday. Apologies. The time got away from me yesterday. So since we're already running late, let's get into it. Shall we?

What I have for you today is actually a prequel to my Children Of Pyrelia series. So far, Bloodmoon is the only published part, but it will soon be followed by Daughters of the Flame.


Reymir's Savior

Reymir wandered down the dirt road that ran through his village, dwelling on his misfortunes. There were almost too many to count. He had always been the fat kid. Other kids made fun of him mercilessly. Girls were out of the question. His father was an abusive addict, but nevertheless was a village elder, so nobody would speak out against him. And then there was Bearok.

"Hey fat boy. Do you have to take up the whole road?" A voice came from behind him.

"What?" He said, turning around. He had been so engrossed in his myriad miseries that the surprise of being torn from them made it come out sounding more angry than he had intended. As if summoned by Reymir's mere thoughts, he found himself face to face with Bearok, his constant tormentor.

Bearok's face registered surprise for a flash of a moment before returning to his default sneer as Reymir cowered before him.

"I said you're in my way, fat ass." Bearok said, pushing him to the ground.

Reymir curled into a ball on the ground, covering his head in anticipation of the beating to come. His years of experience with his father's temper had trained him for this. He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed for his mother to come and rescue him. An odd thing for him to do since she had died giving birth to him. His father had implied on numerous occasions that it was his size, even then, that had killed her.

Reymir waited for the first punch to land, but it never did. He felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched. The hand didn't hurt. It gently squeezed his shoulder. He cautiously opened his eye, just in case it was some sort of trick.

It wasn't Bearok at all. It was Terek, the son of the chieftain. He extended a hand to help Reymir up from the dirt. Reymir looked around and saw Bearok standing a few feet away, holding his nose and hate burning in his eyes. As Reymir watched, blood began to seep between his fingers.

Bearok mumbled something unintelligible but clearly threatening before running away. Terek helped Reymir to his feet.

"You okay?" Terek asked, genuine concern on his face.

"Yeah. He just pushed me."

"Well if he ever touches you again, come get me. I'll handle him."

Reymir nodded and immediately made himself a promise. If Terek were ever in trouble, he'd make sure he was nearby to help. He owed his savior that much.

. . .

And that's it. I wrote this story in part to satisfy a friend who wanted a little more backstory on Terek and Reymir. I hope you enjoyed it. As I said earlier, part two in the series is coming soon.

I’ll see you on Monday with an update on what I’m reading.

As always, be sure to stalk me online. Also, I hate to beg, but I’m really trying to reach 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel, so please check it out and, if you like what you see, subscribe.


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Posted from my blog JustinMKelly.com/blogSteemPress : http://www.justinmkelly.com/blog/flash-fiction-friday/flash-fiction-friday-number-4-reymirs-savior/