A new place, a new challenge.

in #fictionlast year
Authored by @Valora



Tokyo Security Custody Area:

(Continued from end of season 2):

Valora took the folder of documents and looked through them as she also took notice of a woman entering the room. This woman was a friend and ally of hers and Valora stood and bowed slightly in respect before speaking to her friend in perfect Japanese. “Hello, my friend.” She smiles and returns the greeting. “Again, thank you. Your government is very foolish for trying to make a criminal out of a hero.”

Valora nods as she looks over the documents. One looked strange to her and she took it and held it up. “Living assignments?” She nodded. “Correct, Salinas-San. We had just built a couple of new apartment buildings. When the pandemic hit, we decided to delay plans to sell or rent apartments in them and reserve them instead to quarantine foreigners away from our citizens.” Valora nodded. “Not completely unreasonable.” She says as she takes her citizenship, living assignment and keycard for her apartment and the other documents and then looks up. “Wait. I have a couple of people. Abbigail Dresden and Samantha Topher.” Her friend jots down the name. “We will ensure they are put either in your apartment or in neighboring apartments, assuming they are free of infection.” Valora nods. “Are you letting in everyone who was in North Korea?” She nods. “Yes. Some of them are eligible for provisional citizenship. Some will be allowed in on work permits as a deal has been reached between your company and the government,”

Valora nods. “Now this all looks really good. What are you not telling me?” Valora’s friend sighs and places three items on the counter. A ankle bracelet, a wrist bracelet, a collar.” Our government refuses to release into Japan without.. Precautions.” Valora raises an eyebrow. “Sounds like I’m not trusted.” Her friend shrugs and smiles. “With respect. This will help us with the Americans. Also, trouble has a habit of following you.” Valora nods. “Do I need all of them?” Her friend holds up a finger. “Only 1.” Valora shakes her head. “None. I’m a wrestler, these might get damaged. Back in the states, DARPA is working on advanced bio-chips. Should let you track me and maybe even monitor my vitals and such. Don’t tell me you guys don’t have some version of that.”

A few hours pass and Valora’s friend returns and leads Valora in where said chip is implanted at the base of her skull. After the procedure, she is back in a room speaking with her friend. “I’ve been assigned your case. You and I will meet at least once every week or so.”

Val nods as she listens, continuing to speak in Japanese. “Can I bother you with a question, Nijima-san?” The woman smiles and nods. Valora bows thanking her for the indulgence and asks. “Does Utaku-senpai still maintain her dojo?” Valora’s friend nods. “Yes. Though her intolerance of visitors has grown in recent years.” Valora nodded, trading contact info with her friend and gathered her things and left the building.

Valora’s Residence. Setagaya Residential District, Tokyo, Japan:

First was where she would be living. Smaller than she was used to, by a lot but she would find a way to make due. She went to work. A short time later, she had hidden weapons in various parts of her new home. Always best to be prepared for unexpected and, more to the point, unwelcome, guests. She placed the rest of her bags on the floor by her bed for now. She would finish unpacking later. For now, she came out of her apartment, locked up and made her way to hail a taxi when she paused. Glancing over and seeing a small sake and sushi place and shrugs, deciding to stop for lunch.

Walking in, she sees the place runs similar to, but a bit different from how they used to. She finds her seat and looks to the touch screen panel. She puts in her order and waits. In time, the little conveyor belt turns and her food passes over by her and she takes her sushi and sake and lets herself enjoy lunch. It’s an enjoyment that is short lived, however when her phone beeps. Taking a moment to check it, she gets the notification of her booking. The vampire mongolian. Here was hoping that vampires in asia followed different rules than vampires in the west other wise Bold could win the match by simply hypnotizing Valora and ordering her to submit. Well, she was going to visit an old friend of hers anyways. She could add getting information about her vampire problem to the list of topics to go over. She finished her lunch, paid and then left, replacing her mask as she came out into the area. From there it was a quick walk to the train station and she popped onto the train…

Shibuya Station, Shibuya district, Tokyo, Japan:

Valora steps off the train and immediately has to make her way through a small crowd of Japanese high school girls. Making her way through the streets of Shibuya, she made her way to a clothing store. A short while later, she came out dressed in more traditional Japanese clothing. Then it was a pit stop at a vending machine and grabs a bottle of water and makes her way back to the train. There would be time for more in depth shopping later. As the train pulled out of the station, she looked over the place. It was weird. She hated the racism inherent in the country of her birth. Now she was in Japan where racism, sexism, xenophobia were not only present. They were ingrained into the culture and institutionalized. Younger generations were trying to fight back against that but it was slow going. Yet. As much as she should hate this country, she didn’t mind spending time here.

Kichijoji Station, Western Tokyo, Japan:

Valora stepped off the train and made her way through the district making her way to where a few temples and shrines stood. She continued on her way and made her way past the temples and came to a dojo. She made her way along the walkway and gently slid the door open and stepped inside. Once inside, she slipped off her shoes and placed them in one of the holding containers and turned just in time to be greeted by an attendant. The woman appears surprised and speaks in somewhat broken English. “This place. Not for Tourist.” Valora bows and speaks to the woman in Japanese. “My name is Valora Salinas. I am a friend of Shinjojima-Sempai.” The woman nods, returning the bow and instructing Valora to wait. She heads back into the main area of the dojo. A few minutes later she comes back out and nods. Valora is led into the main area of the dojo and brought before a woman. She was sitting cross legged on a mat, coming to her feet as Valora approached. The two women bowing to each other, before the Japanese woman steps closer and puts a hand on Valora’s shoulder. “Salinas-san. If I didn’t know better, I might think you were a gift from the Kamikaze.” The Attendant clears her throat. “With respect, I am unfamiliar with your friend.” Shinjojima turned and gestured to Valora. “This woman is the only gaikoukujin I’ve ever taught our sword art to. Got the soul of a Samurai.”

Valora smirks. “With respect, Not sure I have the honor. I’ve always thought myself closer to the Shinboi.” Shinjojima smacks Valora in back of the head. “Don’t insult yourself and do not mention those honorless dogs in my house!” Valora rubs her head and looks to her friend. “Right. Well, fun as it is, I’m not here to debate Samurai vs. Ninja. I had come to check on a friend and then I got my match information and -”

Shinjojima turned to her. “Match?” Valora nods. “Yeah. UOW, the company I’m with is here in Japan. For the best since the U.S. has declared me a terrorist and wants me dead or alive, preferably dead.” Shinjojima scoffs. “Figures. Just like the Americans to try and punish the woman who saved so many lives and played a key role in eliminating North Korea. The government here?” Val smirks. “Granted me Asylum. Obviously, with conditions. But while here, it would seem that officially the Americans can’t touch me. But I expect they will try unofficially.”

Shinjojima shrugs. “Possibly, but it will be difficult to get into the country. At any rate, you are capable of handling yourself. So. To what do I owe this visit?” Valora smiles. “I’m here in Japan. It would be rude of me to not visit my good and dear friend and let her know I was here. I could also benefit from some advice given my opponent.”

Shinjojima raises an eyebrow and nods. “Who is this opponent?” Valora clears her throat a bit. “Chuulain Bold. Mongolian and also seems to be a vampire.”

Shinjojima says a swear word in Japanese and shakes her head. “Mongolians. Pheh. Barbarians. My ancestor was prepared for them when they invaded Japan.” Valora smirks. “They made a video game about that.” Shinjojima whacks Valora on the shoulder with her walking stick. “I have seen it. My daughter likes those things. Inaccurate. The Kamikaze, saved us, the storm came out of nowhere and the Mongolian boats sunk or turned back in fear.”

Valora nods. “So you think the divine wind saved you?” Shinjojima shrugs. “Do you have a better explanation for why a storm comes literally out of nowhere and forces the invasion fleet to turn back?” Valora shrugs. “I could but it would require an implication that the conditions were exaggerated to make for a better story. Either way, I suppose it doesn’t matter. But any experience with undead Mongolians?”

Shinjojima shrugs. “Not all vampires are undead. There are bloodlines where the person is still very much technically alive. But gets enhanced strength, other abilities and a thirst for blood. If he is a Mongolian… hmm, does he follow his ancestors?” Valora nods. “Calls himself the Great Khan.” Shinjojima nods. “He will use his vampire powers to build his tribe. Mongolians often sought to recruit conquered peoples into them, make them Mongolian, reduce chance of rebellion. If he has not spread his infection yet, he will. Be cautious when you face him.”

Valora laughs a bit and nods. “Oh don’t worry, I intend to avoid getting bitten. Granted the vampire motif is always popular as a gimmick in wrestling, but I prefer a gimmick I can end. Speaking of.. If someone is bitten… can you stop it?” Shinjojima thinks for a moment. “It’s a disease.. It can be fought and treated like a disease. The important thing is to not give into it. Human blood seems to reinforce things. I am not that well versed in these things.. But you know who is. She is very knowledgeable.. Even if she is also Chinese.” Valora shrugs. “Tibetan, technically.” Shinjojima rolls her eyes. “Even worse. Still she has much more knowledge about such things. She is also at the Buddhist temple here. She was visiting and got caught by the lockdown.”

Valora nods. “Well. Then I guess it’s tea here and then I’m off to see the arrogant bitch.” Shinjojima smirks. The two then go through the highly formal and ritualized tea ceremony, talking and catching up with each other. Near the end, Shinjojima looks at Valora. “Since you are here. I could use your help.” Valora nods. “Go on.” She nods. “It’s not a crucial matter now. I am waiting for a response from some rivals. If they respond counter to what I wish them to, I might need your help to convince them I am not to be taken lightly.”

Valora considers this and nods. “I’ll try to help if needed, but I am being monitored by the government and have been warned to behave. I assume I can handle Gaijin with impunity.” Shinjojima nods. “Indeed. The government doesn’t care about gaijin murdering gaijin. Their order to behave certainly is meant to mean don’t harm Japanese citizens or take action that might hurt the government or something.” Valora nods. “Then keep me updated and if you need help, I will of course help however I can.” Shinjojima nods. “ Your first performance. Where is it?”

Valora finishes her tea and nods. “Tokyo Dome.” Shinjojima nods. “Then perhaps I’ll come and watch you fight the mongolian vampire. I wish you luck.” Valora smiles and nods. “Thank you, my friend.”

Later on, at the Buddhist Temple in the same district:

Valora and Jade stand across from each other and look the other over. The air between the two is much less warm and cordial. The two women have not moved and have not said anything, but it is clear they do not like each other. Jade finally smiles. “Still pissed that you have never defeated me, I see?”

Valora growls. “Only because it means I have to listen to your fortune cookie bullshit.” Jade sighs. “It’s not about anger. It’s about peace. Have still failed to grasp even this most basic lesson?” Valora steps closer. “My anger has made me what I am today.” Jade nods. “ Indeed, but not in the way you meant the comment. Your anger is not the cause of your fame and reputation as a great fighter. You are not great because you’re an angry. Miserable human being. You are a miserable angry person because you are caught up in the needless waste of energy that is materialism. With you, it’s always what you want what you don’t have. What you feel has been denied to you.. So much time wasted.” Valora growls. “If not my anger, what does make me great?”

Jade sighs. “Your determination. You’re single minded focus, willpower and determination. No matter what your enemies do to you, you keep getting up and moving forward. That Is what makes you great.” Valora falls silent and considers this and Jade continues. “You need to realize and accept that or you will not leave this country alive. Your enemies are growing and your victories are becoming too hard to ignore.” Valora sighs. Might be more right than you know..I have a Mongolian vampire this show.” Jade rolls her eyes. “Mongolians.. Barbarians”

Valora smirks. “Popular opinion. I was told you might know how to treat a bite from them and how to fight them. Vampires. Not Mongolians.. They did kick your country’s ass, after all.” Jade sighs and shakes her head. “Honestly, I would say I don’t know what Hecate sees in you, but I do know.. You remind her of the great heroes of Greece. She would want me to aid you, so I shall. If your vampire is still wrestling, he is not undead. That bloodline spreads like a disease. Modern medicine might be able to combat it.. But I would not rely on it since this is a virus, but also has mystical components to it. If you don’t drink human blood, the virus will pass, but the person will feel the full pain of starvation and most will either go mad or give in. Still, it is possible for a sufficiently strong willed person to survive the virus. There are also some ancient remedies. In the meantime. Be careful facing him. He will be stronger, faster. Sometimes other abilities are passed on.”

Valora nods. “And I have him in a submission match for my title. Perfect.” Jade nods. “Yes. I’ve never had to make a vampire submit before. Good luck with that.” Valora narrows her eyes. “Oh don’t you worry, I’ll find a way to win. I always do.” Jade rolls her eyes. “That is why you fail.” Valora turns and throws a punch, followed by a flurry Jade expertly ducks, dodges and weaves around, batting a few away before thrusting forward and bring Valora to a knee with a palm thrust. Jade shakes her head. “It’s not about anger. Sometimes you have to seek victory disguised as defeat.” Valora sighs. “For fuck’s sake, speak plain English.”

Jade sighs. “In Wrestling Midwest. You were the Hardcore champion. You brutally beat and defeated every challenger for the belt. Eventually even you realized the belt had become an anchor, preventing you from rising up to the top of the fed and once you retired the belt, you shot up to the top. You want to be the top fighter in UOW? You might have to lose that belt. The question is which is stronger? Your pride in being able to brag you have never submitted before? Or your ambition and need for glory? It seems Destiny has big challenges in store for you. Season 1, you embraced your nobler self and formed a force to stand up for the oppressed, and you tried to stop a nuclear attack and save millions..”

Valora sighs, tears falling. “It wasn’t enough. I failed her again.” Jade smiles. “I believe it would matter to her that you tried. Millions of people are alive because of you. Maybe billions, there’s no telling who else North Korea would have attacked. Season 2. You continued the fight.” Valora nods. “And now I can’t step foot in the U.S. or allied countries for fear of being arrested. I’m the most wanted woman in the world at the moment.” Jade smirks. “And the rebel in you loves that.” Valora smirks. Jade frowns. “However.. Given the road you have walked to get here, I believe there might some very serious, very dark challenges ahead for you. You can choose to stay as submission champion, or.. If you need to, you can pass out, let the mongolian have his win and catapult yourself into the picture for the big title and chain a potential rival for that belt to the Submission belt.”

Valora scratches her chin. “Hmm. Definitely a plan worth considering. Out of curiosity.. What brought you to Japan?” Jade shrugs. “UOW and some Japanese companies were hoping to acquire my services. I have not yet decided to return to wrestling, but I make it a point to hear offers and reflect on them..”

Valora nods. “I look forward to seeing if you decide to get back into the game. In the meantime, I will have to think about this first match of the new season.” Jade nods. “I look forward to seeing what you choose to do.”

Valora left the temple and decided it was time to head back. With luck, Abbigail and Samantha would be arriving soon. She made her way back and hopped the train back to Setagaya.

Valora’s Residence, Setagaya District, Tokyo, Japan:

Valora made her way back into her apartment and sighed. She put some of her stuff away and began getting her apartment in order. Then it was turning on the TV and sending Samantha and Abbigail a text message to see where they were.