Dasha: Path to Rebellion Chapter 2

in #fiction3 years ago

Russian Embassy, Havana, Cuba:

Dasha, dressed as usual in her military dress uniform, walked into the office, escorted by a diplomat and 3 agents. To the casual observer, Dasha appeared completely at ease and relaxed but she knew exactly where the 3 agents were in relation to her at all times. The diplomat sat down behind her desk while Dasha remained standing, her left arm holding her hat tucked between her arm and her body, her right arm held straight, running down along her body and hip. The diplomat looks at Dasha and nods. “So, you have spent a decent amount of time with our Cuban friends. Do you believe we can continue to count on their support?” Dasha shrugs. “I don’t believe they have a choice. If reports of this virus are to be believed, they will need our help in combating it. Also given the political pressure the Cuban malcontents in the U.S. are putting on the American government, Cuba has to definitely be worried about American aggression.”

The diplomat nodded. “Good. That was my conclusion as well. Now, what about you?” Dasha raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry?” The diplomat narrowed her eyes. “I said, what about you? You have quite the impressive history. Your mother worked for the government. Your father was a Spetsnaz. Your grandmother was one of the famous Regiment 588, the all female soviet bomber team, dubbed the ‘Night Witches’ by the Germans. Your grandfather fought at Stalingrad. A great Aunt who was a sniper. And then there’s you. A true believer in the Communist philosophy. Which is a problem, because our Tsar has discarded that philosophy.” Her face softened a bit. “Dasha, I’m sorry. I called in a lot of favors to get you this offer…” Dasha blinked and looked at her friend. “What deal is that, exactly, Sofia? Because it sounds like you are telling me I am an inconvenience.” Sofia sighed. “The word the Tsar used was ‘obsolete.’ a relic of a world that no longer exists.” Dasha swallowed hard, a pained gasp escaping her lips as if she had been physically punched in the gut. Sofia stood up, forcing herself to continue. “Commander Dasha Ivanova. Tsar Vladimir Putin the First thanks you for your many, many years of loyal and faithful service to the Russian people. You are truly a heroine of the Russian people and you have served as an exemplar of what all Russians should aspire to. You have earned the right to enjoy life as a Citizen. Your services in the Russian Imperial Military are no longer needed. You will, of course, be given your full pension and honors.”

Dasha listened carefully and nodded. “Retirement. Honors. Pension. All good. Where’s the downside?” Sofia nodded. “Your authority is hereby revoked. From this moment on, you are a Citizen, nothing more, nothing less. Your top secret authority and clearances and access is hereby revoked. Your life is your own, comrade. Enjoy it.” Dasha nods, gulping again, forcing herself to swallow this bitter pill. “My cover as a wrestler. That was a government operation.” Sofia nodded. “It was. You are free to continue as an athlete if you want. But if you wish to represent Russia, you will have to make a public statement declaring your loyalty to the Holy Russian Empire and it’s Tsar. You will also have to agree to not represent any other incarnation of Russia.”

Dasha nodded. “I would ask what happens if I refuse to go quietly but I can probably guess.” The first agent spoke up here. “Indeed, you know the game. You might come into contact with some radioactive poisons.” The second agent nodded. “Or you might be gunned down by some criminal scumbag. The third agent nodded. “Would be a shame if you caught this new virus showing itself.. Or if some other mysterious illness were to lay you low.” Dasha smirked a bit and nodded. “About what I figured. But surely you all know I could kill all 4 of you now. What’s to stop me?” The first agent laughed. “You might have been able to take us all once. But you’re old. Soft.” The Second Agent added in. “Without your trained Siberian bear, you’re no real threat.” The third agent laughs a bit. “And if we’re wrong.. We have reinforcements. A whole squad of Spetsnaz Can you kill all 4 of us and fight your way out of here? And deal with the Cuban military when they respond to a terrorist attack on their soil?”

Faster than they can react, Dasha moved. A elbow smashed into the nose of agent one, breaking it. Agent 2 cried out as Dasha cleanly broke his leg at the knee. The third hitting the ground a few seconds later after a number of strikes to vital areas. Dasha looks around. “Hmm.. if I’m old and soft, it doesn’t say much for you, does it, comrades? Dasvidaniya.” Dasha said, turning to Sofia as she picked up the folder. “I’ll take your offer with 2 additions. No punishment for teaching those cretins respect.” Sofia nods. “I saw a training session. I know I learned a lot.” Dasha nods. “Good. Boris. I want the same deal for him.” Sofia nods. “Done.” She says lifting up a folder for him. “I anticipated you would ask. You’ve always had a soft spot for him.”. Dasha was not happy that her friend had seemingly found a potential weakness in Dasha and quickly moved to cover it. “Pfft. He is like a pet. A stray dog that I chose to take care of and thus am now responsible for.” Sofia laughed and nodded. “Da, sounds about right. Take care Commander. The Empire thanks you for your faithful and loyal service.”Dasha was unable to stop a sign of disgust at her homeland being back to it’s Tsarist past and Sofia frowns. “That right there is why you are retiring, Dasha.” Dasha nods. “And so, it is. Dasvidaniya.” Sofia nods. “Dasvidaniya.”

A few minutes later, Dasha walked out of the Russian Embassy. This time the soldier was not dressed in her uniform. She had spent time changing in an unoccupied changing room in the embassy. She wore a leather jacket, riding pants and boots. She walked calmly and with purpose to her motorcycle, carefully packing her uniform into one of the saddle bags and taking out her helmet, putting it on. A moment later, she pulled out onto the streets…

Private residence of Dasha’s contact in the Cuban government, 30 mins later:

Dasha sat next to the pool and looked at her friend,Jose, the two each drinking a mojito. Jose stops to look at Dasha. Who has changed again, taking the jacket off and trading the bike riding gear for shorts and shoes. Jose stopped and looked at her for a second. “I believe this is the first time I have ever seen you out of uniform.” Dasha nods. “Yeah, well-” Jose cuts her off. “You are relieved of command. We received notice. You are no longer representatives of Russian government.” Dasha sighs and nods. “Da. About covers it.” He nods as she speaks and then shrugs. “So what are you planning to do?” Dasha sat and thought about that one for a bit. It was a good question. Jose continued. “There are many Russians who are unhappy with the current situation. As you said. Russia made a mistake. By cutting you loose, they lose any control over you.” Dasha turns to her friend and sighs. “What are you suggesting?” Jose smirked. “For starters? Come out with the Soviet Flag, To the anthem. Give the Russian imperialists a big middle finger.” Dasha nods. “And when we return to Russia we are arrested and disappeared.” Jose nods. “This is true.” He says as he hands Dasha what appears to be a passport but is actually documentation listing Dasha as a resident of Cuba. “I always said we don’t forget our friends. The Soviets aided us. We will aid them. I can get Hank and Boris the same documents as a start, just need some information from them.” Dasha laughs a bit. “You can’t give us any aid.” Jose nods. “We’re not. We’re allowing you to enjoy your retirement in paradise, my friend! Russia will know better but they can not prove we are not doing anything we would not do for any Russian citizen who applied.” Dasha was silent again, contemplating this and Jose continued talking. “As for what comes next. You know that, senora. Take your country back. Maybe Valora can help. She does have experience as an insurgent after all.” Dasha looks at him. “And I don’t?” Jose laughed a bit as he shook his head. “No, you have experience fighting insurgents. You missed the revolutions. You missed World War 2. You were born in a strong and vibrant Soviet Union. It is just a suggestion

Dasha and Boris’ hotel room. An hour later:

Dasha walked into the room, her stoic demeanor no longer able to hold itself as she yelled out and hurled her helmet full force into the wall. Boris looked up from the food he was enjoying and nodded. “They’re going to put that on our bill.” Dasha turned and shot him a look that could almost kill by itself and Boris immediately got serious. “What happened?” Dasha took a few breaths, shuddering as she breathed in trying to come to grips with her internal turmoil. “We’ve been retired.” Boris raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Pretty sure we’re still alive… or the Afterlife is really shitty.”

Despite herself, Dasha laughed and nodded. “Da, we are still both alive. Our former employers have made a big mistake in not liquidating us. We are no longer part of the Russian military. We no longer work for the Russian government.. I am sure our allies are being told that we are no longer active agents. We will get a pension.. But we are Communists. The new regime has decided we are… ‘obsolete.” Boris nods. “It’s a nicer purge than Stalin gave. Least we’re still alive. They didn’t give us a chance to swear loyalty to the new regime?” Dasha shook her head. “They knew I’d be lying. They might believe it from you but definitely not from me.” Boris smirks. “Dasha. You are not mad they retired you. You are mad that they implied you’re obsolete.”Dasha smirks. “I proved that was bullshit. I took down three of their agents.” Boris nods. “I believe I have more bad news for you then, Dasha. We have a match. You, Me, Hank Sokolov and Takuma Sato.”

Dasha nods listening to this information and sighs. “Who are we facing?” Boris clears his throat. “Valora Salinas, the Mongolian and the American Mercenaries.” Dasha frowns. “Well.. I like my team better than hers. But I have enough enemies right now, I would rather not make one of Valora since I want her as an ally.” Boris frowned. “What is it about that woman that mystifies you so much?” Dasha opened her mouth to reply but fell silent. It was a good question, after all. Taking a moment to carefully examine the question and think about it, she shrugged. “She should be an impossibility. Born dirt poor. I mean that, Boris.. Like Russian serf level of poor.. Everything she has she fought, bled, clawed for. I mean talk about the perfect poster child for the proletariat revolution.” Boris nods, listening carefully. “Except we learned teamwork. Everyone works together for common goal. Valora learned to fight for herself and no one else.” Dasha turns and looks and Boris. “And if Valora had been born in the Soviet Union, or Cuba where we learned that lesson and where people fought for her, maybe she would have too. Besides. She gives lots of her money away to help the poor and downtrodden. She fights for the people. She is leading an insurgency against the American government. She got to the same place we did, comrade. I-” She gets cut off as her smartphone rings. Taking a look at it she gives a wry smile to Boris. “Speak of devil.” She says as she answers. “Hola?” She smirks at what must have been a surprised response from Valora and continues speaking in Spanish. “Yes, Valora I learned Spanish, lot of other languages too. Now, what may I do for you?” Hmm. A meeting? Alone. Just you and me. You are calling at a bad time. Alright. Half an hour, the hotel bar of the hotel Embassy.” She hangs up and nods at Boris. “Get dressed, I want you to keep an eye out for Valora yes, but also for anyone who might be following her.” Boris nodded and headed off to his room to get ready.

Half an hour later, Dasha sat in the bar, looking at two shot glasses in front of her. One with tequila and one with vodka. Two more sat on the other side of the booth where Valora would be sitting. Dasha wore a Cincinnati Reds baseball shirt and cap, the top few buttons of the shirt undone showcasing a orthodox catholic cross. She had on of her hands under the table resting on the jean shorts she wore. Valora came over and smirked as she looked over Dasha. “Reds. Of course. Strangely, I noticed the cross first. Thought Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses?” Dasha nods. “Da, he did. Also, I am atheist. But the cross helps hide that fact. Also, I hoped you would understand the double meaning for Reds, but people from my government are probably not up enough on American culture to get the meaning.” Valora sits down as Dasha tries the tequila and makes a face. “Ugh! How can you-” Valora points at her. “Say one word disparaging my drink and you’ll need more than that Russian pistol you got pointed at me under the table to save your ass.” Dasha nods. “I...suppose it is acquired taste.” Valora laughed. “Whatcha get? Dasha shrugged “I ordered tequila.” Valora smirked. “Rookie mistake. They thought you were a tourist. Second round is on me, I’ll get you the good shit.” Valora said drinking the shot of tequila like it was nothing. She then looked at Dasha. “Actually, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you in actual civilian clothes. Usually, you dress in military athletic clothing, military uniform or ‘civilian’ clothing that makes it clear you’re military. What gives?”

Dasha frowned and thought long and hard before downing her vodka and sighing. “I am too old for my government. They gave me pension and told me I am free to enjoy life as Russian civilian,:” Valora laughed. “Bullshit. You mean they told you you were too Communist. I can’t imagine you’re happy about your government.” Dasha nods. “Not at all. I knew they would come for me. I am insulted they did not think I was enough of a threat to kill.” Valora nods. “Gotta say that’s the first time I ever heard someone say they were insulted that they weren’t killed but I think I understand the sentiment.” Dasha smirked. “Of course you do. You are fighting against same thing. You, Me, Boris. Kronin… all fighting against perception that we are..” She snaps her fingers. “What is American expression?” Valora chimed in to finish. “Too old for this shit.” Dasha nodded and looked at Valora. “Let us get to business. What is it you want?” Valora cracked her knuckles one by one as she pondered how best to proceed and finally nodded, more to herself than to Dasha. “I want to take that smug little shit Takuma Sato down about a ladder and half’s worth of pegs. I want him helpless and at my mercy.” Valora narrowed her eyes. “He broke my arm. I want to break his hands. Both of them. His wrists. Both of them. His fingers. All 10 of them. I want you and your minions to help me.”

Dasha thought, remaining silent as she considered the options. “You want to make sure he can’t use Heart punch, da?” Valora nods. “Da. Now, I’ve told you what I want. You tell me how much it will cost.” Dasha clenched a fist as an immediate reaction and Valora, seeing this raised a hand. “I’m not talking just money. I would never insult you by thinking you a Capitalist.” Dasha let out a breath and relaxed a bit. Thinking about the situation, she looks for some way to turn this to her advantage, “Hmm. First, I want to ask you some questions. I want honest answers.” Valora nods. “Shoot.” Dasha smirked as she took another shot of vodka. “You are hands on. Why rely on others? Not your style.”

Valora laughs a bit, shrugging her shoulders as whistles and flags down the waitress placing an order for tequila, two bottles. The waitress heads off and Valora turns back to Dasha. “Which is why exactly no one is expecting it. They’re expecting me to do the expected thing, wage a one woman war. I’d like to remind people they ain’t got me figured out yet. Also, I have ‘fuck you’ money. It’s not fun having that kind of money if you don’t say ‘fuck you.’ Thirdly, but most importantly, I know I can trust you and your men. The fact that you find yourselves in a spot where my offer is more valuable is just a happy coincidence for me.”

Dasha took her time as she considered the words she would use in her reply. Interestingly, both women had power and leverage here. Valora could provide a purpose, short term at least, and working together on this could open doors for the future. She could also ensure the safety of Dasha and her team in Mexico. On, the other hand, Valora needed help Dasha could provide that help and Valora’s desire to be unpredictable and keep her enemies off balance made her need more pronounced. “I thank you for being upfront and honest. You’ve told me what you want. What you want is.. Not impossible. Nor is it unreasonable.” Valora smirks. “You gonna tell me what you want or we gonna keep dancing around all night?” Dasha grinned a bit, despite herself and nodded. “For starters, you will pay Boris and Hank an amount of money equal to double their performance salary for UOW. You are asking them to work for you for a night, after all.” Valora thinks for a moment, drumming her finger on the table. “I ain’t desperate chica. You and yours are. Why am I am paying double?” Dasha leans forward. “Because you know that the three of us are worth it. You want Takuma Sato humiliated? Injured? You want him to suffer? We can help make that happen. I’m also charging more because the three of us have just had our operating budgets cut severely since we won’t be getting money and support from our government. I...despise being so...capitalist. But I need to ensure my people are taken care of, much as you do.”

Valora nodded her thanks as the waitress returned with the tequila bottle and opened it up, taking a drink. “Fine. Double pay for the three of you. Anything else?” Dasha nods. “Da. You owe me a favor, Valora Salinas. I will come to you one day and collect and you will do it.” Valora raises an eyebrow. “Within reason. Don’t come to me expecting me to kill Putin or some shit. The scale of your favor matches the favor I’m asking from you.” Dasha nods. “Da. Is only fair. Also. I want protection. While my people are in Mexico I want your aid in protecting us from assassins.” Valora laughed a bit at this. “Pretty sure you can relax here.” Dasha, completely deadpan, replies. “I’m sure Trotsky thought the same until Stalin’s assassin split his skull open with a hand ax.”

Valora takes another drink and nods. “Well… yeah, there is that. Though you know the protection could be considered us square for the favor I’m asking.” Dasha nods. “Except I say it is not. If you disagree, make a counter offer. Speaking of. Why not get your team mates to help?” Valora smirked. “Because I don’t trust the fuckers any further than I can throw them. I haven’t forgotten they helped Sato break my arm and beat the fuck outta me. Really, I’m asking that we change the card. You, Boris, Hank and myself against those three shit stains.” Dasha nods. “Allen Anderson will not be happy.” Valora waved her hand at the notion. “I can handle him. He’ll be more intrigued that I’m starting to show more of the Valora he likes. He’ll love the increased attention this brings to Valora vs. Sato at the PPV. Hell, we might overshadow the so called main event at the moment.”

Dasha did not show it with any physical tells but she was impressed. Valora was very likely right. If handled the right way, Allen Anderson might very well back it. Dasha then decided to turn the conversation to the other detail. “Your partners?” Valora took a deep drink and shrugged. “Mercs. For all I know, still on the payroll of Allen Anderson. I also haven’t forgotten the role they played in my arm getting broken. So no, they don’t get the chance to help me, and I don’t trust them. I smell Anderson setting another trap. Putting me in the ring alone with people he believes can and/or will take another chance to injure and soften me up for the PPV. I’m going to beat him at his own game.”

Dasha nods. “Da. Very well, you may count on us. If nothing else, your ‘partners’ can be given to Hank who enjoys violence and Boris. Combined with the pay, this should ensure my men are happy.” Valora stands up and shakes hands with Dasha, nodding. “Pleasure doing business.” The two separated, Valora paying for the drinks and Dasha heading out to the lobby of the hotel. A subtle head nod and she moved to the elevator, Boris and Hank walking in with her, the few passengers that had been waiting deciding not to join the three Russians in the elevator. With the elevator to themselves, as they went up towards the floor with their rooms on it. Dasha looked over at her companions. “Valora wants our help. She will be paying us in money and a favor of my choosing. Paying us well, I might add, twice our usual salaries. We’re going to help her put that smug, arrogant Japanese American mutt Sato in his proper place. Sato is the main target, Valora’s ‘partners’ are fair game. The two of you may do with them as you wish. All in all, this has been a good night for us. A pleasant recovery from the shitty day it was.”


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