Tag Team Tournament

in #fiction9 months ago
Authored by @Valora

Abbigail stood and watched as Valora made the purchase. Food and a few other needed items. She had, by now, heard Valora speak Japanese a few times, but never ceased to be amazed by it. She also did not fail to notice the often stunned looks from the natives. As they walked back to the apartments they had placed in, Abbigail looked to her. “I can’t help but notice that they seem surprised you know Japanese.”

Valora nodded. “Japanese and English are the two hardest languages in the world to learn. Japanese people tend to be surprised when anyone shows knowledge of their language. More so when they can speak it correctly. Also, most people from English speaking countries tend to know one language.” She says, looking at Abbigail who rolls her eyes.

“Hey! I’ve picked up a bit of Spanish!” Abbigail said as Valora rolled her eyes. Abbigail changed the subject a bit. “Just out of curiosity.. How many languages can you speak?”

Valora thinks for a moment. “Well. Spanish, English, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, German and French. Maybe one or two others. I’m not fluent in it yet but I know a bit of Mandarin.”

Abbigail shakes her head. “Okay, you need to tell me why you learned some of those languages.”

“Opponents, mostly. Kronin and his twin like to communicate in German. Knowing German means I know what they’re saying to each other. One of my more annoying rivals from the past is a tibetan woman who thus has been raised Chinese and speaks Mandarin. Dasha, a friend and rival of mine, speaks Russian. I spent a decent amount of time wrestling in Japan so decided to learn the language. A few times some of the feds I was in did events in Brazil, so decided to learn Portuguese to better connect with the fans.”

Abbigail nodded and the pair returned to their little domicile for the time being, walking in Abbigail looks to her friend and mentor and decides to get to business. “So our opponents.”

Valora puts the purchased items away as she listens. “Valor Vanguard. I swear to fuckin’ christ tag tournaments are good for shitty nicknames for the participating teams.”

Abbigail laughed a bit. There was definitely some truth to that. “I’m having trouble deciding who the person on the team to worry about is.. They both seem… unremarkable.”

Valora raises an eyebrow. “Maki. She’s the one to worry about.” Abbigail blinks in disbelief and this brings a sigh from Valora. “Jesus Christo girl, pay fuckin’ attention to where you are. You ever watch anime?” Abbigail nodded and Valora continues. “Good. Then you know that in addition to the mandatory ‘beach’ episode, Japanese Anime gives you a good insight to their culture. You remember my lectures on fake honor vs. real honor?”

Again, Abbigail nodded. Valora nodded. “Alright. That’s the world Maki has been brought up in. A world run by men who want small, petite, obedient women. Someone like Maki was probably told on a daily basis she was a shame and embarrassment to her family. That no man would ever want her. She’s also won national Sumo championships. Which makes her a threat since Sumo is basically becoming an expert at moving people around. Both you and I are going to be at a disadvantage taking her on.”

Abbigail nods. “That makes sense, I guess. Her partner?” Valora shrugs. “He seems a bit more traditional. More along the lines of what we’re used to dealing with. Obviously, don’t ignore him, but Maki concerns me more than he does, at the given moment.”

Abbigail clears her throat. “So umm.. We going to talk about Vastrix?” Valora shrugs. “Nothing to talk about. The bigger concern is Kronin, whose twin sister is trying hard not to become a vampire.”

Abbigail nods. “And you had to fight Bold too. Lucky he didn’t get his fangs on you.”

Valora rolls her eyes. “Don’t remind me.”

Almost on cue, there was a knock at the door. Valora made her way over and opened it to find her government assigned babysitter standing there. Valora and the woman bowed to each other and Valora invited her in, she walks in. “You look well. I take it there have been no..difficulties?”

Valora shrugs. “Nope. Most people would hate being under constant surveillance but the advantages are I don’t have to worry about anyone starting trouble with me either so..”

Valora’s friend in the government and assigned agent nods. “I suppose it does have that upside, yes. You had a visit from the Germans.” Valora nods. “Yes. Am I not allowed to have guests?”

The agent sighs. “Valora. We are taking a huge risk. The last government that defied the U.S. was nuked off the face of the Earth. The international situation is destabilizing.”

Valora listens and nods. “And? With your restrictions on me, I can’t really do much to help.” Valora’s friend nodded. “Why did the Germans come to you?” Valora decides to push a bit here. “First tell me why you care.”

The woman hesitates for a moment and sighs, handing a tablet to Valora who looks at it, and tilts her head. “Hmm. If I’m reading this correctly, there’s an error with her biology?” Valora says as she blinks. “Seriously? Property of Agent Niijima?”

The woman rolls her eyes. “Yes, it keeps track of which agent is logged in. And you made a mistake in your translation. We don’t have a clean reading on her. Some type of lab mishap or something. In addition to the main virus we’re worried about, the government has begun to hear whispers of.. Other viruses.”

Valora nods. “If Kara is sick, she didn’t say anything to me and I didn’t see any signs of sickness.” Valora’s friends sighs and nods. “Alright. I’ll check in again later. I imagine you will need time to prepare for Maki. Personally, I’m sure she’ll toss the two around with minimum effort.”

Valora shrugs. “She has to be able to catch us first. We’re not fighting in a sumo match and I’ve knocked plenty of people bigger than me the fuck out.”

The visit ended a few moments later and Abbigail clears her throat. “So what is our plan?” Valora shrugs. “Just what I said, chica. Don’t try to wrestle her. Stick and move. Lucha Libre style. We wear her down, tire her out and knock her or her boyfriend out. He’s the weak link in that he’s a bit closer to the usual wrestler we go up against.”


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