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RE: The Jewelry Store (Simulations, Chapter 3)

in #fiction6 years ago

Well that was the blunder of all blunders. Our rookie superhero nearly got himself killed first try. I'm obviously excited that the story will go on, but wouldn't it have been hilarious if that's how it ended? :D

Example alternate ending:

“What the hell?” Robber to the right said, pointing his still existing gun towards Finn. “I didn’t shoot yet! Why are you bleeding?” He turned to his accomplices. “Did one of you shoot?”


"Um, I did now."


I can only suppose that he was saved by the utter shock they experienced at seeing someone suddenly collapsed, bleeding, in front of them. I imagine he just sort of "glitched" that way, too, right? From their perspective. So it must have been super weird for them.

Finn must be more careful in his future adventures :D

Also... I've got a prediction:


The robbers certainly had the "wtf" moment their lives and that's what saved his life. He really needs to think about his own mortality, you can't affect the simulation when you're no longer part of it.