Mad Scientist's Journal: Day 56

in #fiction8 years ago

9:43am: woke up to what sounded like waves crashing on a beach; turned out to be waves crashing on my night stand. The automation that controls the dishwasher appeared to have entered a loop, and filled the machine to capacity, and then some. Found a dry control panel to turn off the flow; guess I should send a cautionary note to Westinghouse and Miele, just in case that bug reaches their production line.

11:04am: spent some time in the aviary. Good news is that the initial work with deciphering bird chirps into English is showing progress; bad news is all they talk about is the temperature, lie about where they got their last meal, and see if any birds of the opposite gender have available nest space.

12:43pm: the residential agriculture lab... oh, the dilemma: do I push forward with a hybrid grass seed that requires next to no extra watering, draws nitrogen from the air, and keeps a bright green color, even though it glows green at night, and is mildly radioactive (cross-promotional benefit: the earthworms are getting much bigger). Not sure if that will sell well at Home Depot...

2:07pm: managed to get the storm clouds down to a scale that will compress and remain inside a greeting card, but it occasionally leaks. That will not do for successful display in the gift store, let alone making it through the postal services. Maybe I should try miniature tornadoes instead?

4:45pm: received an email regarding the water-free gel bath: Bed Bath & Beyond seems to be interested in a test run in a few of their markets. The risks of catastrophic failure is down to 9%: is that low enough for market? Somehow I don't think it is... need to balance the membrane wall thickness with the heat-generation chemicals: tricky to keep the 'bath' warm without rupturing the spheres, again.

7:32pm: worked straight through my usual dinner time, so just grabbed a protein bar and a power drink of my own invention. Hopes are high that I can break into that market.

7:49pm: Need to lower the caffeine levels in that formula before sending out the first samples for testing, unless endlessly vibrating fingers are considered a good thing... somehow I think not, but it might give some Millennials an edge when trying to text quickly.

9:18pm: toy area update: programmable sand is starting to show promise. Manufacturing the enhancing liquid is easy, mixing it with the sand is also easy; the hard part is keeping control of the sand. Building a sand castle is good, preventing it from constructing a siege machine to attack the lifeguard station, even better.

1:12am: closing this journal entry; I remain dedicated to my plans of world domination, if only I could again get a properly cooked breakfast. Until my next entry, this is Theodore M. Strandimore, signing off.