"They had do at least for basic training if they were to join the star fleet. It was protocol and part of the prime directive. aka. All who were aboard the ship for explorative missions had to do some academy training."
This is demonstrably false. How do you explain the numberous under-age-10 Children on the enterprise, and hundreds of civilians who never underwent any training? Enterprise had tons of civilians, you do know that right?
PS - When you attack me with an insult that has no basis in fact, you are using ad hominem. I'm amazed I need to TELL you that, since you know it so well.
They were only part for transportation purposes (hence the Enterprise detachment protocol). Also, even those people were doing drills and training because most of them were transferring in between space stations.
I never used an insult. You are just too touchy. Anything can be considered an insult. aka. i can tell you are still in college just from your level of PC.
No, they were permanent residents of the Enterprise. Look it up.
From memory alpha:
"Although Starfleet crewmembers staffed the vital positions on board the Enterprise, civilian crewmembers were allowed to hold important jobs in the ship's science and medical departments, as well as support areas like Ten Forward and the ship's school or the arboretum. (TNG: "Night Terrors", "Hero Worship", "Ethics") The Enterprise included children among the civilians on board, a concept which was not initially embraced by Captain Picard. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "The Bonding")"
They were NOT simply riding the Greyhound Enterprise-NCC-1701-D Service. False. They did not have combat drills. Emergency evacuation drills like if you sit in the evac row on an airplane? Maybe once or twice.
yeap. it was debatable and not something that followed through the entire universe.
Even so, they were under the direction of the military. Every single soldier was above them. Remember, you lost track of the argument which was that the military controlled everything and that ultimately is much like NK where also the civilians are controlled by the military.
darn. you make it so easy. answering your own questions. :)