Don’t go.
I wake up gasping for air. I try to remember what I was dreaming. Matt was there. It is strange. We never seen face to face yet but he has been on my dreams lately. I saw him standing at a crossroad and I could see his face staring at me. When I tried to reach out his hands, he quickly vanished like a spec of dust.
Trying to make sense of my dreams, I take out my bathrobe and freshen up. Today, I think I will visit antichita. I read from yelp it has nice reviews, hopefully it suits me. I snatch the book at the bedside and go.

Upon reaching the coffee shop, the distinct smell of robusta welcomes me to enjoy a sip. The place is open with beautiful ornaments hanging on its wall. A minimalistic yet eccentric cafe in suburban Seattle.
I take out my books and reach out for my phone. Ignoring Matt’s texts have never been easy. I am always compelled to respond his witty humors and flirtatious texts. He is the sunshine when I am having a rough day. Since I know Matt, my day has always been like that.
In my short getaways, I try not to text him. I am very much tempted to do so.As my latte arrives, I scroll through my old conversation with Matt.
Where is Elise? I haven’t heard from him for a week now. I quickly reach out to my pocket and send another message.
Matt : Where are you? Why are you constantly offline?

Somehow, a part of me wanting to find out her secrets. I sense from the beginning she has something to hide from me. So I quickly google her name, Elise Karas. There are many results with that name. I scroll through Facebook, Linkedin, none of familiar face I know that looks like Elise.
I try another page, until I find a familiar brunette girl. Only her name is Andrea kara. I click the profile. It becomes more obvious. Andrea Kara, 24 years old, marketing manager.
Fuck. She lie to me.
Almost finishing my coffee, I decide to tell Matt about my dream of going to japan. He mentioned it once and maybe we can travel together this winter.
Matt : Where are you? Why are you constantly offline?
Andrea : Sorry,been busy. I have been thinking about Japan lately. I think we can go to japan together this winter. Tell me a week earlier, so I can prepare for it.
Matt : Oh my! Finally you replied. Are you still okay meeting me at Seattle next two weeks?
Andrea : Next two weeks? I thought it will be next month.
Matt : Well, no. It’s in two weeks from now. I am going to stay at the heathman. I am paying all the bills. See you.
I am surprised he sounds unusually colder. Although he tends to be colder at times but not this time.
I sit looking through the window while thinking.

I should know people lie on their dating sites. I lie too. I am not monogamous. But I never expect Elise, Andrea, whatever her name is to lie. What else is she hiding for me? She is too sweet to be a liar.
Just when I enjoy her tease and company, she ruins it. Elise has always been there for me, receptive. Unlike Beth. I suppose I can never have it all. I marry Bethany because our marriage will result in merging my company with hers. It is too big to lose. Andrea, she is just a girl. The only thing she can offer me is probably herself, nothing more. She is the perfect mistress.
I am nervously walking to the restaurant where I decide to meet Matt. I wear my black lace up dress and heels. I don’t want to mess my first date with this guy. He is way too special for me. As I walk across the hall, I spot a man in a gray suit looking at his watch. Then, his hazel eyes meet mine.

“ Hey Elise”
“ Hey Matt” he holds my hand and guide me to the restaurant.
“ So, what do you think?” he asks my opinion.
“ about what?” I reply
“ This place. Do you like it”
“ I have never been to the Heathman before, it’s not where I usually hangout”
“ I have a question” he looks into my eyes
“ ask me anything” I smile
“ Why do you lie about your profile Andrea?”
“ No.. I don’t meant to lie. I am about to tell you but I never have the chance to”
“ Is that so?”
“ I am sorry” As I am about to stand up, he holds my hand and pulls me close to him.
“ I know. Go back to sit” I follow his command effortlessly.
“ I am staying at the Heathman for 4 days. You are free to stay with me.”He holds my hand.
Strangely, I nod even I should not.
Illustration by Bruce mars and pixabayvia pexels
Interesting and it partially reminds me of a part of my own life I've struggled to move on from. I have followed you, and will read from chapter one and will wait for more.
Thanks ! I finished a finale today. Perhaps in the future, I want to revamp and expanding it. I am glad you're enjoying the read.
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Nicely written and interesting style. I dig it.
Thanks, I recommend checking out the previous chapters :)