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RE: Astral Echoes - Short Fantasy Fiction

in #fiction7 years ago

It is very interesting to find out what the author of the first part of a story had in mind, especially considering that we were called to find our final, so we can now know how far we have strayed from the imagined direction.
Am I wrong or do you have a great familiarity with the setting? It seems like the streets of Bangkok and the Thai ghosts are a terrain in which you move naturally.
I would like to read more about Niran and his paranormal adventures. :) Tip!


I don't think it's a case of anyone straying from my vision mate. Everyone's endings are unique and valid, that's what I love about this competition/challenge of finish the story. I appreciate your sentiment though of seeing where it was going in my mind when first written :-)

Yes, you are right about familiarity about Bangkok, I have visited once but that was over 10 years ago. My memory is very sense orientated so I find it quite possible to conjure up strong memories of places from a long while ago, the rest I fill out by using google earth and researching. Thanks for reading and your comment :-)