Joey understood, “So that’s your dad and uncle?” Roger nodded numbly, “So that makes you, a Wish!”
It was all too much. Roger didn’t know what it meant. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. He looked up at Prunella helplessly.
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“Your father doesn’t know.” She said, “The Pine’s died with their secret intact. It wasn’t until years later that it came to light.
Roger brightened, “So the reason he kept my uncle a secret has nothing to do with his being a Wish?”
Prunella placed a hand on the boy's arm,“That’s right. So, now you know. The fountain was kept safe by a secret society for all these years. Now it’s up to you Roger, James, Pine, Wish.” Prunella looked at him with pride. “So, you, see, that key really does belong to you, after all.”
“The Audubon society?” Joey asked.
Prunella laughed, “No, The Order of the Wish. I say, Matthias really didn’t tell you much, did he?”
Prunella flipped through a few more pages and stopped on a picture of a group of people standing on the stage of the puppet theater. Matthias was front and center. “The Order of the Wish was begun when Eli’s second wife ordered the fountain demolished. She was a wicked woman. Many believed she was in league with the devil himself. She kept the fountain for her own ill-conceived ideas."
"She later built the decoy fountain where the courthouse now stands, claiming that it was the original which had been taken apart and stored. It was this fountain that was publicly destroyed and buried when the courthouse was built. Our mission is to protect the original fountain, and Wishful’s true history, so that the fountain is rightly used.”
Roger’s curiosity perked, “You know Matthias?”
“Not by that name exactly, but yes. We have known each other almost all of our lives.” Prunella replied.
“ What is his real name?” Roger asked.
Prunella turned serious, “That, my dear fellow, is a story he will have to tell you himself, all in good time.”
Roger still felt like he had more questions than answers,“What about my uncle? Does he know?”
“That twit? Yes, he found out years ago and he’s been holding it over Ismael’s head ever since.” Prunella frowned.
Joey spoke up, “Why didn’t he just come out with it and run for mayor himself? He seems to like being in charge.”
“ He does, doesn’t he?” Prunella grinned at the boy's observation, “The truth is he prefers to run his
stepbrother like one of my puppets over doing the dirty work himself. Besides, he makes much more money and has much more power as owner and chief executive officer of the Wishful Bank and Trust”
Prunella explained. “Well, if I’m not mistaken your uncle’s limousine should be gone by now and you boys are half an hour late for school on the first day of the year.” Prunella led them to the door.
Roger had one more question that had to be answered, “Now that I have the key, what do I do with it? What wish do I make? How do I save Wishful?”
“That, my new-found friend, is a question only you can answer.” The boys found themselves in the alley before they knew what had happened. The black limousine, as Prunella had predicted was gone and Roger and Joey made their way to school as quickly as possible.
As Promised, Wishmonger Trivia!
1.I'll ask three questions. You may not find them in today's episode, but they are in the Wishmonger series, somewhere on my blog!
2. You find the answers, upvote this post, make sure you follow me, then add your answers in the comments!
3. I'll choose one lucky player, with all three correct answers, and an upvote on the post, to win 25% of tomorrow's Wishmonger post on payout, paid directly to your wallet, via Steemplus!
Formere wishmonger posts have earned over $60 SBD! So, prizes could be substantial!
Want more entries? Earn up to three, by resteeming the post for one, and tagging a friend for one! Correct answers are required to enter the drawing! GOOD LUCK!
Question number one!
###What is the name of Roger's new friend Joey's baseball team? ###
Question number two!
###When is wishing legal in Wishful? ###
Question number three!
###Roger's last name is Pine, what should it be? ###
Enter your answers in the comments here to be entered to win!
READ MY LATEST SHORT STORY "The Seraph of Szechuan"

the Wishful Tornadoes
During the Festival of Wishes
If you're enjoying this, please check out my other fiction, 8 Minutes to Sunday, another great story and more chances to WIN!
answer right gdurn and same my answer
If you're enjoying this, please check out my other fiction, 8 Minutes to Sunday, another great story and more chances to WIN!
I tag @sushie
If you're enjoying this, please check out my other fiction, 8 Minutes to Sunday, another great story and more chances to WIN!
•✅ The wishful tornadoes
•✔ During the wishful fest.
•✔✔ Wish
Tagging @masterpiz
If you're enjoying this, please check out my other fiction, 8 Minutes to Sunday, another great story and more chances to WIN!
2.During the festival of wishes
If you're enjoying this, please check out my other fiction, 8 Minutes to Sunday, another great story and more chances to WIN!