Into Immortality

in #fiction4 years ago


Father please, come with me and live forever”
“My son, I have lived long enough. I am grateful for these 200 years of my life”
“But why did you have to leave?”
"Because death is inevitable"

"My father has been able to make humans immortal, we can live in a world and heaven that we make ourselves"
"But what is life without the death of my son?"
"Why do we have to lose something we love dad?"
"Let me go my son, I'm already sitting in this chair"

"I can make father a new body, where we can live healthy forever father"
"Son what did you do, father did because you knew your life would end. Whatever we do, in our lives, we appreciate it because we know that we will meet the end my son"
"But well, we can still appreciate life without having to die, we can still enjoy and do whatever we do without having to submit to death"
The father silently glanced out the window at the garden behind their house.
"Please, yes, for your child"

Five years later his father died.

Ten years before his father's death, his son Aaron, who founded the company Double AA, announced their discovery.
He stood on stage and started his presentation, watched by billions of people on the internet.
“Ultimately we humans struggle to live and we will eventually escape the fear of death. We have accepted for too long that death is the end of everything. We may not be immortal now but, tomorrow, you will have a chance as the first society in this universe. To choose to be immortal and move your conscious mind with all your memories to your computer and personal cloud”
Aaron glanced at the camera “so what would you choose?”

Decades later, humans managed to move their consciousness to robots and call themselves androids. Technology is also getting more advanced so that it can create an organic human body that doesn't age and won't get sick or need food consumption. In the end, this new species, can transfer their consciousness and their memories to the cloud if their body is in an accident and so on.
At that time time and death finally submit to the new man.

Five thousand years later, the 42nd generation Android born from computers and randomly born by computers founded a company. The Android is named Duabe who is 2,345 years old. At this time the algorithms and bodies of the androids are protected and no one is able to free them from the chains of life. When someone commits suicide, they will be transferred to another body automatically. Later that day, Duabe managed to find a way to break the chain.

It then broadcasts its announcement throughout the galaxy.
“I am proud to present the work of the company. a product that will change the lives of everyone in the galaxy.” he continues

“Every year, month, cycle, minute, second. It will no longer be just a reference to coordinate and position ourselves. It will be something that makes our lives important and reminds us of fear, and releases us from this eternal boredom. Until now the day has become a day without limits and without loss. Now you can choose to be impermanent. So I ask all of you, what would you choose?”

It was then that existence finally bowed to the Androids, and decades later Duabe conversed with his daughter.
“Son, please, download the program that your mother made, why do you want to live long in this void. You are already 150 years old” as they gazed out their satellite window. Staring at the stars.
“Mom, Nines understands as your daughter, that you worked hard for this. Myself understand and for some android it is the right choice. I appreciate your mother's efforts, but for myself, I'm still not sure.”
“But don't you see, son, that death gives meaning to our lives?”
“Yes, although being immortal makes us live without consequences and the fear of death. But to die also means losing everything and wasting our lives ma'am. How is it possible that I or you or even a single android can decide fairly and rationally which one is better, which one is better?”

Nines the child continued, “maybe it has become a program for living beings, to find meaning in whatever they feel. Trying to rationalize everything that happened. Whether it's an immortal or a mortal."
"So you're not going to do it?" Duabe asked his daughter
“Nines don't know, still to think about it. At least the Nines will have as much time as needed to vote.”