The important level is a few layers deeper and that is: What is the author’s urge or need or belief deep down within herself to use and see Russia as the other side/bad guy/bogeyman?
Real talk: Russia has atom bombs. So Russia is one of the prime contenders to start a third world war. not the only one but one of the few that are likely.
If you want to go the "every time a slav is the bad guy" you will have to read multiple stories by the same author. If you chekc multiple stories by @suesa you will notice that the bad guy/gal/whatever is all over the place, suggesting that what you are thinking is bullshit.
If you want to go the "oh noes, americans worry about russia bombing them" route then no shit, that is what is happening in the world. Using a country that has atom bombs as the country that starts the nuking is what you do if you want your story to make sense.
And many times I have come across western citizens saying things like that and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and it just brings me back to the first sentence in my original comment and every other sentence that comes after that.
Taking a very unimportant part of one short story of an author, putting your own biasses into it and then trying to call that author out on your random interpretation of that. That is what leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
A recommendation: Would you have come here and asked why Russia was the one doing the bombing. Or tried to clarify on that perceived bias. Then you would have learned very fast that your stuff is not that case in this story. But by spewing random stuff that makes no sense to the other people around you, you wasted your chance to do change and educate people. This story is not biassed in the way you think. But even if it were, would I be the author, I would just ignore you even if you were right. Giving people the benefit of the doubt makes them listen to you more ;)
PS: All you talked about is Russia. But the story is not about Russia. Are you biassed against AI? Are you biassed against non-slavic countries? Are you biassed against bogeymans? I could go on :P
After your first reply I saw that we are talking about different things. After your second reply I saw that we are still talking about different things. There is no point in continuing the conversation.