The Crack History of the Universe Ch.1 The Beginning

in #fiction7 years ago

We begin our tale with the story of Galan of Planet Taa in the previous Universe’s Galactic Sphere. As with all universe’s life cycles his was nearing its end by its inevitable Heat Death by entropy and its subsequent Big Crunch to form its next Big Bang to give Birth to the new universe. Galan of Planet Taa lead a desperate suicide mission to drive a research vessel into his dying universe’s cosmic egg to preserve the knowledge of his previous universe and eventually rebuild.

By a narrow margin, Galan’s mission was cleared and he and his crew would launch into the Cosmic Egg. However it would seem that a combination of Fate and massive amounts of Cosmic Radiation would serve to radically alter the lives of Galan and his crew as many of his shipmates died on contact save for some who only died slower, long enough to see their friends perish as well before they would join them in their universe’s Heavenly Realms. If they even still existed…

Galan himself however would be Lucky as he had the stroke of fortune to bond with the sentience of the universe and this allowed him to survive the last days of his old universe to witness the birth of the next one! But his physical form would forever be altered by this process…

The Fates of the Previous Time Lords

To attempt to avoid their death’s in the previous universe’s collapse the Time Lords of this previous universe use their time travel devices to escape the cataclysm and they find that the Cosmic energies and powers they gain from this has allowed them to become gods and many of them go mad with power!

And so, it would be that in 13’800’000’000 B.C.E. (13.8 Billion years B.C.E. [Before the common era]) the Big Bang would commence by one of these new Elder Gods: Azazoth’s designs…

With the Big Bang’s occurrence, all at once many a New God is created that must contend with the old God’s of the previous dead universe. The new gods Born as a short list are: Din, Nayru, Farore, Arceus, Emperor Hwanin, Anu, Erebus, Nyx, Gaia, Ra, Atum, Shang-Di, Pan Gu, The Jade Empreor, Elion, and many many others.

Leading the old gods of the previous universe is Azazoth and Mantorok the Creator God and the Keeper of the Hellish Realms respectively in a joint alliance out of necessity for the situation. With whatever amounts of their Old God allies that have survived their universe’s apocalypse unscathed also joining their forces.

The resulting First God War of our universe claims the lives of many gods on both sides the new, the old or the ones simply killed at their first moment of life just because their powers were too dangerous to allow them to be alive for the two sides plans for their way to end the war…

At the end of it all after 2’800’000’000 years (2.8 Billion years) both Azazoth and Mantorok are crippled utterly and what was once millions of billions of Gods is reduced to a little over 2’000 gods in total…

Azazoth’s ‘allies’ if you could call them that who survive the conflict come be known as the “Outer Gods” “Great Old ones” and “The Elder Gods” and with the New Gods of our universe they forge an uneasy peace as both sides know that if they strike at the other it may result in the Battle to end all battles of this Universe: The Battle of Revelation and the Battle of Armageddon a renewed God War to finally end the God War decisively come what may.

Doubtless though this would result in the fabric of the universe’s undoing until the universe rebirths itself again in another form however long that would take and even then, it would likely be just empty for several cycles of Death and Rebirth. Recognizing this the many Gods enter their peace with uneasy tensions to start creating and building up the universe so that Matter can exist for lesser beings: The Mortals and the Sentient lifeforms of the Universe.

The Gods Join Forces for Peace

By 11’000’000’000 B.C.E. (11 Billion B.C.E.) the Gods begin to create the universe as a home for their prospective followers as the God war has weakened many of them to the point of needing Faith and Prayer to survive rather than simply being omnipotent as they once were before the war at least it was so before the war for the Old Gods.

As there are too many stories to trace in this overview we will limit this overview to a select few of great importance for future events:

For one: Death and Arceus serve as major contributors to the universe’s forging when it was once simple and easy to build; Arceus building large swaths of it with the other gods and Death keeping track of the ends of each being’s existence as he is on a level above most other gods with his great responsibilities he carries with himself.

Another element of the universe’s creation were those that called themselves: The Endless. This group of Gods survived primarily by being noncombatants and third party negotiators when necessary as they held the knowledge of ALL Universes courtesy of Destiny of the Endless’ Cosmic Log. As many of the old Gods recognized the Cosmic Log’s importance to their Histories and their remembrance as great gods of the previous universe. The few new gods that did try to destroy the Log out of ignorance or spite were quickly enlightened as to why they should not do such a thing or they were simply erased from existence when reason failed.

In the peace time of the universe The Endless while also doing their respective jobs they claimed and took up in the new universe’s order also took up chronicling and retelling stories to the new gods and they served as council to the Old Gods on occasion making them well liked among both parties thus making them the bridge between the Old Guard and the New Guard of the Gods in the Universe.

Of course, no summary of these events would be complete without including the actions of the infamous Jehovah Elohim otherwise known as YHVH the enslaver god of humanity. His jealously and narcissism would serve as the root for a great many early conflicts and minor schisms in the peace of the Gods.

One of the few good things that Jehovah Elohim would do however was his sealing of the original First Devil on the Planet Krop Tor with the help of his Angels and he also stops The Darkness a primordial chaotic evil that had come to destroy everything! Jehovah Elohim seals away The Darkness in a special Magical Seal that he creates that he saves as an object for two purposes. One as a story to tell of his fame, glory, and almighty power and why he should dominate all sentients as the ONLY God, and for the other purpose a special punishment for someone who crosses him in a most offensive way and manner by his definitions of such an offense…

Though Jehovah would also create one of his biggest mistakes in the form of the Leviathans which Jehovah himself feared that they were getting too powerful with how they were evolving and it was when they started a real Invasion of the Heavens to kill and usurp the Gods that Jehovah would create the Angels and banish the entire Leviathan Species into Purgatory another dimension between the Heavenly and Hellish Realms of the new universe that would be counter to the Mortal Realm and it would be Jehovah’s “test” for his followers to “earn” their right to be in his (Jehovah’s) form of Heaven.

The War Continues?

Despite the progress and prosperity, the Early Universe experiences under the god’s alliance some of the Gods never got over their rivalries and their old wounds from the God War. Chief among these examples were Primus and Unicron both of whom despised the other’s existence. Uniquely though Primus and Unicron were Techno-Organic godly beings a form which no other God chose to take. Regardless of this fact their rivalry would be a major shaper of the Universe’s destiny.


I have left out such stories as the first species such as the D’ni and the C’Tan and the Breeding of the Genesis Frog by the previous universe’s Trolls and while their stories are indeed unique I feel that this first installment must close for now as if the entirety of the intrigues and events of the universe’s Birth were recounted it would be a series and another History in and of itself not all of which is entirely understood or revealed…

Nonetheless the next installment of this series shall focus on the universe’s second major crisis after the Leviathan Invasion of Heaven; The Hactar Incident

Sources (By Request These will be removed if desired):……………


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