MARRIED CHEATERS Rated 🔞years & above Episode 14

in #fiction7 years ago

The moment I read the message from the mysterious lady my hormones ignited once again in me, I could feel the increase of weight coming back in my boxers again, I never knew I had a rapid response team in my body like that until that early hours of the Sunday morning. I checked on the other messages which were all congratulatory messages, this was not the right time to reply all the messages so I started the engine of my car and made way back to the Movenpïck Ambassador Hotel where my wife and I were lodging for our honeymoon, as I was driving back many thoughts came into mind, if this lady in question was for real or was she a form of distraction to check my fidelity level towards my marriage? Well whoever she was or whatsoever she wanted from me I vowed to give it to her in extra dose of anything she wanted from me after all its a man who swallows a bitter pill. I got to the hotel, went through the security checkpoint and after drove straight to the car park reserved for me, I got down from the car and before I slammed the door, the envelope that was handed over to me by the governor flashed in my eyes at the back seat so I reached out for it to check its content when I got to our room finally. I passed through the reception and made way to the elevator because I wanted to reserve my strength for the battle ahead of me with my mysterious lady, the elevator opened and as I entered I pressed on the bottom that led to the floor where our rooms were located, in less than a minute I was in the corridor that led to the rooms I was about to enter. I counted the numbers on the doors that were on the corridor so that I don't end up knocking on the wrong door to disturb the occupants of the room, finally finally I got to the door with the number 615, I took a deep breathe and said a prayer before knocking on the door, this was my prayer before knocking;
"Dear Father,
I tried my very best to climb up the ladder that would have led me to where the saints gather, a place designed only for men that truly matter, I had made it so far into the skies, I was suppose to reach heaven before the Sunset rises, for I was much afraid of how the sun's heat fries, but now gravity calls to me, promising safety but lies, pardon the garment of weakness that I have put on lately, save my soul before it transcends to depths so lengthy. For your love is unconditional and your grace is always plenty, you are the strength of the weak, you are merciful all day long, look down upon me with mercy and forgive all my wrongs. Take me to paradise like you did to the third man beside the cross you were hung, hear my prayer oh Lord. Amen".
I knocked and waited for her to come and open the door for me since that was the only stumbling block impeding me from getting closer to this mysterious lady, the pressure I was getting from the young man in between my legs was unbearable that I felt like my very life was now in the merciful hands of this mysterious lady's p***y, as I got no reply from the occupant of the room I knocked again, I turned my head left to right on countless occasions to make sure I wasn't caught by anyone especially my wife so I made sure my knock was as very gentle as the moves of a chameleon but yet still the was no reply. I tried to reach my phone so I could try her number once again if this time it will go through for me to speak with her and tell her where my location for the call was, but as I checked my pockets the phone was no where to be found, I cast my mind on where I left the phone since I had not made any stopover at any joint or pub, I remembered I left it on my seat in the car as I tried to reach out for the envelope at the back seat, I decided to rush to the car so I could get my phone so I try my luck again, I took the elevator back to the grand floor and went straight to the car park to get my phone in my car. As I unlocked the car I saw my phone lying peacefully down on my seat, in fact what the elders say is very true that "it's only the missing person who knows where he is hiding or his location", I took the phone but before I locked the car I saw the hotel door card of my honeymoon also lying close to the hand rest, I took it and placed it into my pocket since it was the only thing which could unlock the door to my honeymoon room, I checked on the phone to call my mysterious lady but saw 12missed calls from my wife. I got a bit alarmed but didn't bother calling back since I knew what was down my sleeves. I decided not to use the elevator this time around and sought out to use the staircase rather, I got to the fifth floor and climbing further to the sixth floor, I heard people's voice from the corridor of the sixth floor, I asked myself what was going on because just some few minutes ago before I left to pick something from my car that place was very quite just like the graveyard and now I was hearing different voices up there, well whatever that was, going on I would find out when I get to the corridor of the sixth floor..............

To be continued.........................................