3 Minute Fiction #6 - Give Me Three Minutes and I'll Give You a Story

in #fiction7 years ago


A Steemit Original -

Ryan James Robinson -

I was dressed in my Sunday best. The clothes on my back were the most expensive things I owned.

Earlier that week I had dropped two large to buy the suit I now donned and I have to say I looked rather dapper. I dressed to impress for the purpose of landing a slew of new clients- I wanted to get them interested in the new proposal my company had put together. I was determined to bait more clients than any of my contemporaries and was putting my plan into action.

Rented was a large outdoor pavilion at a winery, and attending the festivities were two hundred people, lured by fine wine and refreshments. I had an hour-long presentation planned, sure to entice even the most fiscally stingy. My goal was to land ten percent of the mass, which would well pay for it all, plus leave a hefty sum on top. The icing on the cake was the grand entrance I would make via the helicopter I had dropped another dime to rent for an hour. Once the large crew saw me striding out in my well-tailored suit from the multi-million dollar whip, I was sure that if someone in the crowd didn’t invest with me, he’d never give his money to anybody.

The helicopter ride was cool as hell. Seeing the city and surroundings from that perspective was truly amazing.

When we got close to the vineyard my heart began to speed up as I began to anticipate all the connections I was about to make. The chopper came to a soft landing and I ran out from under the wind-churning rotors. After I was away from the controlled chaos of the helicopter, I slowed down to a steady, confidant trot as all eyes were upon me.

The only thing separating me from the crowd of interested, potential clients and the podium was a small staircase of no more than six steps. Somehow my left foot didn’t catch the lead step quite right and I rolled my ankle. I tried to catch my balance to no avail and fell face first down the remaining steps, coming to a drastic halt after my face punched the pavement.

I went unconscious for a moment and when I came to, the crowd had gathered around me. I couldn’t move a muscle and an ambulance had to be called. After the EMT’s had fastened me to the gurney, the crowd began to meander their way from the pavilion with puzzled looks on their faces, trying to comprehend what they had just witnessed. Along with the five-plus G’s I was out for all the hoopla, I spent three days in the hospital being analyzed because of the brief paralysis I had experienced. I was sure that would more than double the expense of the day, considering I was still in the grace period with my firm and had yet to acquire insurance. Next time, I’ll just cold call like everybody else.


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