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RE: Catching Winds - Fiction Competition : #2 - Larz Graveus Wrath

in #fiction7 years ago

Wow, this was amazing, @larzgraveuswrath! I must admit, though, your opening line didn't quite draw me in for some reason. Of course I continued to read, so I guess that's all that matters, right? :P And wow, am I glad I did. You are a very talented writer!

He looked up at the heavens with a heavy sigh as the wind blew against his graying hair one last time as if life was caressing him to tell him it understood and wouldn’t hold this against him.

Such powerful use of words to convey the atmosphere. And then that whole block where you went through the empty coffins, and everything that he was feeling, it was as if I were in his shoes in that very moment, feeling those feelings and thinking those things. My eyes were literally welling up with tears! You have a way with words, for sure.