Cool story @afolwalex!
Is your first name Alex?
Anyways, I like your screen name.
I guess eating using the hands is not uncivilized in some ways.
Cool story @afolwalex!
Is your first name Alex?
Anyways, I like your screen name.
I guess eating using the hands is not uncivilized in some ways.
My first name is actually "walex" not "alex". Lol! A lot of people asked me that.
Thanks for reading.
You're very much welcome Walex!
And congrats for @curie upvote! By the way, is there any requirements on submitting post to @curie for a chance of upvote?
You don't submit to them. They have many curators checking the required tags everyday. When they come across a post that worth being curied, they get to submit and deliberate on it before being upvoted.
Oh I see.
Thanks for the information Walex!
Have a great day!