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RE: Challenge #03551-I262: But... Ice Floats

in #fiction2 years ago


That was some serious overreaction XD

And damn I guess I definitely need more coffee or sleep ^_^;


This reminds me of a blowup I saw at a coffee shop back in July, when I took my sister there so she could get her caramel frappe'. LOL The woman ordered an iced mocha coffee, then she threw the cup to the floor spattering the drink everywhere and started screaming and swearing enough to make a hardened sailor gasp. Why? Her iced coffee was COLD! LOL! What, iced coffees are supposed to be hot? It's like.. really? I laughed my tail off, she got kicked out after knocking chairs over and basically acting like there was some huge conspiracy going on. My sister just rolled her eyes and once the knomira left, my sister ordered her drink, and we left a large tip. Btw, if you have one, go to Carabu Coffee, that is where my sister goes. Apparently, they've got really, really, good stuff. I like their hot chocolate.

I...uh...wat O_O

I shared this with J and after laughing uproariously he said maybe they thought it was their meth dealer and they were after their ice.


Which part of ICED mocha did this specimen fail to understand? LOL.

I swear that 90% of the time, the Knomiras are throwing a tantrum to get free stuff so that they go away. The rest of it is them getting what they want because they're spoiled brats. [Also *-ist prejudiced a-holes but I think the 'spoiled' covers it all]

Why do I have this sudden mental image of a giant bird throwing itself to the ground with feathers everywhere thrashing around squawking like it's being killed, when all that happened is you took the big mirror out of its cage to be cleaned? LOL My coworker's parrot does that every time he puts the parrot into the large holding cage while he cleans the parrot's enclosure. The holding cage has a couple of perches, but nothing else, because it's just in there for a little bit while he cleans the big knucklehead's aviary. He showed me a video of it, it was silly.

LoL! Does your coworker laugh at/tease the angy parrot each time? XD

maybe it's just something we would do coz we're arseholes

The Puppy used to throw toddler tantrums when we were leaving the park like a toddler, would throw herself on the ground and refuse to budge. After a few days of just picking her up by the harness (usually dangling on the end of the lead) and dragging her, I one day just unclipped the lead and walked to the car, opening up the boot for her. She had a moment of no wait whut and then sheepishly slunk to the car and jumped in.