And it was at that point Tam fell madly in love with Brikiefec because he so soft and fluffy 🤣
I might have to double back and see if you mentioned what the purity tests were.
And it was at that point Tam fell madly in love with Brikiefec because he so soft and fluffy 🤣
I might have to double back and see if you mentioned what the purity tests were.
It was actually a test to determine if someone was on the spectrum or not, and if so, how much. But the TFT went and reworded it to test for "pure humans". Apparently, to them, only those who were 100% not on the spectrum were "pure". Anyone who were born with autism, from the mildest form to the most severe, were "alien hybrids".
Ahh. Well not that surprising a few of them "somehow" had alien dna in them XD
This is why I love having the link there. Just in case someone missed something.