Awwwww but Jeeeeeeeeeed XD
If all the Sachaphoyans are Ledd-sized there will be a severe size discrepancy XD Tsa'run is over 2m tall and his two triad mates (whom I haven't drawn yet) are pretty close to it, possibly very slightly over. Mine have prehensile tails and wings attached to their bodies as advantage, yours have "we can just buffet you around with our awesome wind power" XD I think they'd have fun in a friendly dogfight.
Yeh Ledd seems like a much nicer character here, shows just how imprisonment and hopelessness can change a person :O
I didn't realize they were that tall! My team would mistake them for giants then, and it might not turn out to be as friendly as we had hoped!! Haha!
I'm glad you noticed that change in his personality, it's those little details that I really enjoy writing :D
The Dragonkin are quite big. My other characters are more normal/average sized :)
The personality change was a bit hard not to notice XD And it's those little details that make you such an awesome writer whether all the readers realise it or not :D
See that's where the lineup would be useful. Once everyone is seen side by side, distinguishing between them would be a breeze! :)
Yeah, I try to not think about whether people notice it or not nowadays, I just try to be grateful to all those who do or at least take the time to really take in the story :D
I think I just need to be better at drawing XD I may have peaked though.
Shhh stay that thought from your mind, my friend! Everyone is unique, each with their distinct style. Maybe you could work within your means and just move some stuff around. I'm sure you'll find a lot of ways to innovate :)