Los Angeles, California
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 - 03:30 AM
Fleetwood Street
Adam and a cop killer he broke out of police custody are standing aside a car with a dead body in the trunk. He knows how things look like to Gregory and the police who just crashed the scene.
The police let Gregory handle Adam, but cuff the suspect and take him away.
"We had a deal, Black!"
"Shut up."
Gregory lets Adam endure a famous staredown of his before attempting to crack open the case.
'"So, are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on here, Adam?"
Adam is reluctant to tell Gregory the whole story, but Gregory doesn't give him a chance to back down.
"Or do you want me to throw you back to the cops? I'm sure they're ready for you after you broke out the guy who killed one of their men."
There's really no way out of this for Adam so he spills the beans.
"The guy was leading me to the people behind the Miller hit."
"How so?"
"He said he did some work for them. He was supposed to get a phone call from them with instructions. I broke him out to trace the call - but there wasn't enough time."
Gregory then looks at the dead body wrapped in plastic in the trunk of the car.
"So, who's he?"
"I don't know yet. The suspect was given the job of getting rid of the body."
Adam knows how Gregory feels about him, but he tries to make a peace offering for one night only. The stakes are too high for them to bicker around due to personal dislike.
"Look, I know how crazy this will sound to you, but you're gonna have to trust me."
"Trust you?"
"You're having quite the night here, Adam. If you want me to trust you, you're gonna have to give more than what you're giving me. What are you not telling me?"
"There are people within the agency who support the Miller hit."
Gregory raises his eyebrow in disbelief and doesn't say anything. He thinks the notion sounds utterly ridiculous.
"I know it sounds crazy, Greg. But Richard died tonight because he found about it. He sacrificed his life handing me the evidence that proves it."
"What evidence?"
"A keycard."
"A keycard?"
"A keycard with data on it that Richard believed would lead us to the dirty agent."
"So, did you find anything on the card?"
"No, not yet. I told Kev to work on it."
"Are you sure you're not chasing a ghost here?"
"Kev managed to pull out the address I first encountered the suspect at. So, clearly, there's something there."
Gregory is still not convinced that trusting and cooperating with Adam is a good idea, and his body language tells the story, so Adam makes one last play.
"Greg, you're familiar with Miller's politics, right?"
"You know he's not the biggest fan of the agency the way it currently is."
"What's your point?"
"My point is, if Miller gets hit tonight - and we fail to do anything about it, it's gonna look really bad for the agency. Especially you. People know how you feel about Miller."
Adam is finally getting through to Gregory by appealing to his own personal vanity and agendas.
"So, even if you're not doing it for me, help me out to help yourself."
"Alright, Adam. I get your point. So, uhh. What's next?"
"Next, I'm gonna take this body back to ATC, and we'll try to make a positive ID."
Gregory examines the body more thoroughly.
"Looks like they clipped off his fingers. No teeth left, either. And the face is mutilated beyond any recognition."
"Yeah. Whoever did this, clearly didn't want anyone to know who this is. That's why I need to get the body there asap so they can start working on it."
"Right. You do that. I'll go see what I can get out of the suspect."
Adam then gets in the car and heads to ATC. He also phones Mona to give her the heads up.
"Hey, it's me. I've got a body for you."
"Sounds delightful. What have you got?"
"Male. Badly mutilated. No teeth or fingers. I need a positive ID as soon as possible. Who's our best forensic right now?"
"Probably Wood."
"Right. Tell him to start working on this as soon as I deliver the body. I'll be there in 10 minutes."
"Alright, you got it."
Then it's time to call Susan.
"Anything new, did you find Megan?"
"No, no we didn't. She's still missing. We're on our way to St. Mark's Hospital right now."
"Yeah, umm. We found Julie. There was some kind of accident. Or something. We found her unconscious, she's badly hurt."
"Is she gonna make it?"
Susan is talking through tears. She's scared. She's tired. She's confused. She is barely keeping it together.
"We don't know yet, Adam. I don't know what's going on, I don't understand. Why is this happening, Adam? Did you found out anything at the station?"
"I don't know yet. Maybe. There's something I need to do, and after that, I'm coming over there. Should be about 20 minutes."
"What are you doing, exactly?"
"I'll explain as I get there. But what I'm trying to do right now is trying to find Megan."
Susan finally has something to take her frustrations out on, and due to old habits, Adam offers her the best punching bag.
"I've been out all night trying to find Megan! You've been nowhere to be found."
"I know, Susan. I wish I could have been there with you."
"Yeah, I do, too. I really do."
"I'm gonna be there soon. But before I get there, I need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Make sure no one who doesn't belong there, doesn't go to Julie's room, okay?"
"I think her life might be in danger. And, honey, I know this sounds cold, but she's our only lead to Megan right now. I need to talk to her."
"Yeah, I understand."
"I'll explain everything once I get there, I'll be there soon. Susan, I love you."
"I love you, too, Adam."
Noah's Base
Megan is locked in a barren room with nothing but a bed for furniture. She's simply sitting there, contemplating her fate, and waiting for something to happen.
She's not a stupid girl. She knows this has to have something to do with Adam's work as a federal agent. Someone is trying to use her as leverage for something. She also knows that the people holding her need her alive. For now, at least. So her life is most likely not in danger at this moment.
The door opens and Mark comes in to check on her.
"I-uhh... I just wanted to check if everything's all right."
Megan wants nothing to do with him.
"Oh, so first you kidnap me, kill my friend, and drag me here - and now you're checking if everything's 'all right'?"
"Things got out of hand."
"Got out of hand? What the fuck is the matter with you? Julie is dead! How did you get involved with these people, Mark?"
"Johnny's the one who... This was Johnny's thing, he-"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, of course. You're just, like, along for the ride. It was Johnny's idea. You're basically a victim in all this, right?"
"That's not what I meant."
"So, how much was I worth? Huh?"
Mark is really starting to have doubts about this whole thing. He is really ashamed of himself when scolded by Megan.
"It was, uhh... They promised us 10 grand apiece."
"Well, at least I know what I'm worth."
"No one was supposed to die! Johnny told me this was just about scaring some dudes, or something."
"That totally makes kidnapping someone okay."
"Look, I just-"
"Mark, just fuck off."
Mark goes to leave the room, but Noah opens the door, instead, and has a word for Mark.
"For your information. Johnny's no longer with us, so consider yourself promoted. Is the girl giving you a hard time?"
"Uhh, no. Not at all."
"Okay, good."
Noah leaves the room, and Mark and Megan are left contemplating what they heard. Megan makes the quick assumption that Mark was never intended to leave the place alive, either.
"You heard him, Mark. They killed Johnny. You have to be really fucking dense if you think you're gonna be getting any money. They're gonna kill you, just like they killed Johnny. We need to contact the police. Or my dad."
"You mean I should just turn myself to the cops and go to jail?"
"I'm saying that if you don't, you won't be around to go to jail. And if these people don't kill you, trust me, my dad is gonna be looking for me - and if he gets his hands on you, you'll wish you were safely in jail."
Mark doesn't say anything and just leaves the room. Megan doesn't know if she got through to him or not.
ATC Headquarters
Adam parks in front of the headquarters to where Mona is already waiting for him. He gets out of the car and opens the trunk.
"This is what you're working with."
Mona winces a little at the sight of the body.
"They sure didn't leave much of him, did they?"
"No. They worked hard to prevent anyone from identifying this man. I'm gonna need a favour from you, Mona."
"They're starting to add up, Adam. What is it?"
An ATC helicopter lands on the parking lot.
"I'm gonna need you to remove it from the logbooks that I took the chopper for personal use."
"Personal use?"
"Yeah. The girl Megan went out tonight, Julie. She was found badly wounded and was taken to St. Mark's hospital. I'm gonna go over there right now."
"Does she know where Megan is?"
"I don't know, she hasn't talked yet. I need to be there when she comes to."
"Well, I hope she does."
"Me too. And I have a feeling this is all connected to the Miller hit somehow."
"How so?"
"I'll explain later."
Adam heads to the helicopter and makes a phone call.
"St. Mark's hospital security? Yes, this agent Adam Black, ATC. There's a patient being brought into your hospital. A girl by the name of Julie Harris. H-A-R-R-I-S. I have reason to believe her life might be in danger. I need you to make sure no unauthorized personnel gets anywhere near her, okay? Yes. Thank you. I'll be there shortly."
Adam enters the helicopter and the pilot begins to head to the hospital.
Noah's Base
Noah is making preparations for the day in his room, which looks like a giant surveillance center. Monitors, laptops, microphones, all sorts of high tech equipment set up with a purpose.
After he is done setting everything up, he makes a phone call to someone to give a status report.
"It's Noah. I'm all set. Yeah, the girl's with me. We had some speed bumps along the way, but - nothing we couldn't handle. Yes, of course. You don't have to worry about that. Everything is ready for phase two. Yes, sir. Senator Miller's speech starts at 7. We'll be ready by then. I'll keep you updated."
As Noah hangs up the phone, Mark enters the room.
"What is it, Mark?"
"So, uhh. What do you want me to do?"
"I'd like you to not interrupt me when I'm working."
"Of course, uhh. Sorry."
Mark turns to leave, but Noah then comes up with some work for him.
"Actually. There's a shovel in the garage. If you want something to do, you could get rid of your friend's body."
"Like, bury it? Where?"
"In the ground?"
"Sure. Yeah. I'll-uhh, I'll do that."
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Bruce sits down on the couch next to Maria who he can tell is being extremely anxious. Bruce himself is staying calm. It's not the first time he's gotten a death threat.
"Sweetheart. It's gonna be okay."
"Is there anything new?"
"Nothing concrete yet. I just got off the phone with Gregory Myers. The District Director of ATC. They're following up on a lead right now. Maria, these are the best people for the job. We couldn't be in better hands."
"I hope you're right."
"I know I am."
Maria then tries to slightly change the subject to help herself stay a little calmer.
"So who's Adam, exactly? You seemed like you trusted him. When you called him earlier. Is he someone you know?"
Bruce leans back and takes a trip down memory lane.
"I knew his father. I knew him very well. AJ was my best friend."
Maria never knew AJ very well, but she was aware of him, and knew how close Bruce was with him.
"Adam is AJ's son?"
"Yes. No man in the world have I ever trusted like I did AJ. I've never known Adam personally, but - we have worked together."
"When was this?"
"Like his father, Adam worked for the CIA. This was several years ago, before he was recruited to ATC here in Los Angeles. This was also when I was a part of the House National Security Subcommittee. I authorized a mission in Serbia, and hand-picked Adam as the man to lead the operation. I hand-picked him because I trusted him. Just like I trust him today."
"But you never interacted with him directly?"
"Not until today, no. But if there's a man I want watching my back at a day like this, it's AJ's son."
St. Mark's Hospital
Susan and Doug are waiting outside of Julie's hospital room as she is being operated on. She's in surgery and in critical condition, but the doctors told Doug there's reason to be optimistic.
Susan is happy to hear Julie may pull through, but she's also disappointed that they still have no idea where Megan is.
Doug understands this and tries to console her.
"Megan will turn up. I promise."
"Thank you. I hope so."
"You know what? What if I go find us some coffee?"
"Oh, coffee sounds so good. I'm absolutely exhausted."
Doug gets up to look for coffee somewhere in the hospital.
Adam then arrives. Susan and Adam see each other, and run towards each other to hug.
All the emotions of past several hours erupt as Susan embraces Adam, lets her tears come out, holding him tighter and tighter.
"Adam, thank God!"
"I'm here now! It's okay, I'm here now, Susan."
They don't say anything for a good while. All of a sudden, none of the arguments, none of the disagreements, nothing that has ever happened matters at all. They just hug. And hold each other.
Adam finally asks about Julie.
"So, how's Julie?"
"She's in surgery. Umm. The doctors say she's gonna be alright."
"That's great news. I need to talk to her as soon as possible."
"You mentioned something about her being in danger. Danger from whom?"
"Someone who doesn't want her talking to me."
Doug comes back with two cups of coffee.
"You must be Adam?"
Susan introduces them to each other as Doug hands her the other cup of coffee.
"Yeah, uhh, Adam, this Doug. Julie's father. Doug, this is Adam, my husband."
The men shake hands.
"Good to meet you."
"Yeah, you too. Susan has talked a lot about you."
"Susan told me your daughter is going to make it. I'm glad."
"Thank you. Me too. It's been one hell of a night."
"Did you know the boys who were with Megan and Julie tonight?"
"No, no I didn't."
"When she's up for it, I'm gonna have to ask her a few questions."
"My daughter's been through a lot today, uhh..."
"I understand. But our daughter is still missing."
"Yes. Yes, I understand, but-"
Adam gets a little more aggressive due to the stress of the situation finally getting to him.
"But nothing! Julie's the only person who can lead us to Megan right now."
Susan then gets between them.
"Adam! We're all worried here, but Doug has been a great friend tonight. Don't take this out on him. Please."
Adam apologizes and goes to make a phone call.
"I apologize. Excuse me."
Doug is being polite.
"Of course."
As Adam leaves to make the call, Susan tries to apologize for him.
"Excuse Adam, he's just worried."
"No need to apologize for your husband. We're all a little wound up."
"Yeah, well. Adam gets a little more wound up than the rest of us. I guess I always just accepted it as an occupational hazard."
"I thought you told me he works behind a desk?"
"Yeah, well. Yeah. Well. Truth is, I don't know what he's doing half the time. And he can't tell me. Security reasons."
"Must be tough on you."
In the other room, Adam is on the phone with Mona.
"Any word on the John Doe yet?"
"The time of death estimate is somewhere between 10 and 11 PM last night."
"That was right before Richard found out about the Miller hit. How close are you to making an ID?"
"We just sent some tissue samples to the lab. They're running his DNA against all databases."
"That's gonna take too long."
"We're going as fast as we can, Adam."
"Well, try to hurry. We need to get this done now."
"We're doing all we can here."
"Call me as soon as you have anything."
"I will."
"Did you find Megan?"
"No, not yet. But the girl she was with is gonna pull through. I'll be here as she wakes up."
"What about Susan? How's she holding up?"
Adam slightly snaps at Mona for asking about Susan. It's partially due to him feeling Mona is going to an area she shouldn't be in, but also partially Adam just taking his stress out on someone.
"Mona, she's fine."
"Well, good. I'll call you as soon I have anything, like I said."
"Okay, bye."
Adam gets back to Susan and Doug, and grabs Susan by the hand.
"Walk with me for a second. In private."
"Oh, okay."
Adam walks her to somewhere where they can be alone.
"Adam, what's going on? So, why is Julie in danger?"
Adam opens about something that has to do with his work. It's the first time ever he's done that during all the time they've been together.
"Today someone is going to try to kill Senator Bruce Miller."
"That's why I was brought in last night."
"But... why is Julie in danger?"
"Because she was with Megan."
"Adam, our daughter is missing. How does... why... I don't understand. Why is that related to... an assassination attempt?"
Adam takes a deep breath.
"They must have learned that I was assigned to protect Bruce Miller tonight."
"Are you saying..."
"Yes. They must have kidnapped Megan to use her against me."
Susan's legs give way and Adam has to grab her with all his strength.
"Oh my God! So, these people have Megan? They have our daughter?"
Adam holds her as tight as he can, and finally breaks into tears.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Susan. This is all happening because of me. All this time, I've tried to build a wall between my job and my family. To keep both of you at bay. This is why. And now that wall is coming down and... I don't know what to do."
They hug. And cry.
"Susan, I promise you. I promise you. I'm going to get her back. If it's the last thing I do, I'm going to get her back."
Doctors come out of Julie's room and inform Doug of the situation.
"Mr. Harris? We have good news. Your daughter's tough. She's going to make it. It will take a while, but she's going to make it."
"Oh, thank God. Thank you so much. Can I go in?"
"She's probably not fit to talk right now, but you may go in to be with her."
"Do you mind if I go alone?"
"Not at all."
Thank you."
The doctor opens the door for Doug.
"Julie? It's your father."
"Hello, Julie."
As the door closes, the barely conscious Julie mumbles to herself.
Doug approaches the bed. As he gets next to Julie, she finally opens her eyes.
"W... who are you? Where's... where's my father?"
"Doug" then pinches Julie's oxygen hose and places his hand over her oxygen mask.
Julie, with what little strength she has, struggles and tries to fight it, but "Doug" overpowers her and suffocates her until she stops moving.
She's dead.
"Doug" then shuts off her monitor and closes her eyes.
While embracing with Susan, Adam gets a phone call.
"Excuse me."
"Of course."
But instead of Mona, it's an unknown man's voice.
"Do as I tell you, Adam, and you may see your daughter again."
"Who is this?"
"The man who is going to tell you exactly what to do from now on - or your daughter is dead. Smile at your wife, and say, yes I understand."
And with that, I'm taking a little break for a bit. Thanks for reading.
You are a very talented writer... truly amazed...
Question, the name, are you Dutch or Belgian? Just out of curiosity...
Tnx for the read!
Nah, I'm Finnish.
Ok, but Schattenjaeger is a Flemish word, so that’s why I asked!
Yea, the username comes from an old video game called Gabriel Knight. I've used it forever, and people always think I'm German or Dutch, or something, hah.
It means “treasure hunter” which is appropriate in this place 😏
NOOOOOOO!!! oh DAMMIT, Schatt!! you really did it. you really, really left us HANGING!! hahahhaa, shit. OK, fine, have a little break. i'll be here waiting on pins and needles as always.
xo, b.