F3nix; Finish The Story Entry

in #fiction7 years ago

My Entry to @f3nix's Finish The Fiction Story Contest

"It's time," The figure spoke softly as it placed a hand firmly on the elderly man's shoulder...
There was something about it's presence that was instantly calming, as he closed his eyes once more, preparing for the sudden incoming tide to sweep him away to his next place in time. He did not fear, for he had lived through it all many times, and would many times again. He had learnt not to fear the unknown, but to embrace it. For it was the unknown that bought him his only sense of joy.
When his eyes fluttered open, he became aware of the sensation of falling, hard and fast. Slaming his eyes shut again and bracing himself for the fall, he was surprised when the impact never hit. He dared to peek, to witness the most extraordinary sight his time on this solar system had ever granted him. He was suspended in a stream of space and time, he could not move or feel, all he could do was open or close his eyes. Even his mind felt trapped in suspension, from the inside out it felt like he was being swallowd by the universe itself.
Remembering back to the days long before this all started seemed to be the only thing that bought peace apon his mind at this particular time. The time when he was free to life his life as he pleased, to experience what it meant to be human. To love, enjoy, repel and feel. The only word he could use to describe how this whole situation had made him feel was numb.


He didn't know how much time had passed, he never did. All he knew was that his time in this periling existance was coming to an end. He had outspent his years a long time ago, any time spent now was nothing more than a wasted opportunity. It wasn't productive in any way, and he had lost everyone he cared for way before his torment started.
Her eyes shot open as her feet touched the ground of this timeline for the first time. She reached her arm out and took a long hard look.
"Oh, I haven't been one of these for a while." She thought to herself as she checked out her surroundings.
"Are you ready?" The figure emerged from the enchanted woodland, asking with a judging glare. "This is your last chance."
She tilted her dainty head to the side, taking in a deep breath and appreciating the pine smell emcompassing her.
"I was ready 50 years ago." She announced, bravely taking her first steps through the light, into her new world.
Truth is she didn't know what this time round would bring. But she didn't care. She had been given another chance. And this time, it was going to work.

Image licensed under creative commons public domain.


Aye this so nice :') I like the way it made me feel. When you know that its all a cycle, the end is nothing but the beginning.

"She tilted her dainty head to the side, taking in a deep breath and appreciating the pine smell encompassing her."

when i read this I myself took a deep breath, I was so involved. Loved the feels :')

Thank you so much! Ah yeah it is quite floaty. It was very random, this is the result of too much coffee and not enough sleep as per :')
I'm glad it drew you in :D

I love the fact that you've been able to change the perspective from a claustrophobic and stiff atmosphere to a cosmic and dynamic one.. there's a promise of a great plot in your part of the story, altough it's just alluded to. Well done!

Ah I have a habbit of drastically changing things.... Thank you I'm glad you liked it :)

That's a habit we have in common 😁

It's definitely not a bad one!

Nice job, really keeps you guessing. :-)

Thank you, yes I love confusing writing, it's my talent, confusing everyone ;)