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Now you've been through all seven steps of this course, and I thought it would be time for a little present.
All seven steps collected in one PDF file you can open with Adobe Reader or similar programs. You can download it here:

I experiment all the time, striving to get more productive, and recently I changed my morning routine.
Instead of writing fiction for 25 minutes or 45 minutes (I tried both) I set the timer at 60 minutes.
The first of those minutes, I read through what I wrote the day before, making small editions.
Then I write.
I discovered that I got much more "in the zone" and time flew!

The day following this discovery, my friend and fellow writer showed me a link to an article about how we work best in 52 minute intervals, and then with a 17 minute break.
Here's the link to the article:
So experiment with your timer and writing.
The Other Posts in KOCPU:
Publishing On Kindle? Find Your Category [KOCPU #1]
Research for Your Kindle Book [KOCPU #2]
Writing an Outline for Your Kindle Book [KOCPU #3]
Make Writing Easy [KOCPU #4]
How to Find Time to Write [KOCPU #5]
Lacking the Knowledge to Write a Book? [KOCPU #6]
My Writing Sucks [KOCPU #7]
Thank you, I downloaded it for future reference. My writing a book is on hold for a bit.
Yes, we can't make time for everything.
nie post
Thank you.
This is a good example of how to get more done & complete your writing efficiently. Nice job @sindore!
Thank you :)
Chunking that’s the way!
Exactly :)
I have downloaded your course and look forward to reading it. As for your suggestions re timings I think it is up to each individual writer to experiment until they find a solution that suits them. IMHO there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
You're probably right. To begin with, I could only focus for like five minutes at a time.