
Also, any update on the winners of this competition?

I never saw any announcement?

Hey @sroka87,

Sorry, it was kind of a non-event I think. I'll have a word with @meesterboom and find out. Thanks for the reminder. I was AWOL for a while.

No worries - there were not that many entries, but the ones that I read were good. I expect they are lost and buried in the Blockchain now :S

Nothing is ever lost on the Blockchain - that's the beauty of it :)

Hello! Yeah that was roundabout the time of the hardfork want it. It did kinda peter out somewhat. Might be a challenge rooting the stories out!

Oh dear :( That's a shame

I know, it seems so long ago! I think someone else is running the trail now

I'm sorry, that was before my time as curator of this trail.

That is a quality suggestion! Very creative and fits the theme! Thank you!