remember the the last time you asked me if oluch and ada were truly your sisters?"
chika nodded."and you said they were."
"i lied."
"you lied?"

"when i married your father." ose continued, "he had just lost his wife who left him with two daughters. ada was two years old and oluchi was just a baby. your father's wife had died giving birth to oluchi."
chika looked shocked."are you trying to say-"
"yes," ose nodded."i nursed oluchi as though she was mine. i nursed both of you at the same time and anyone would have thought you girls were twins."
"i don't understand," chika shook her head.
"when you father lost his wife at childbirth, he was distraught. he needed a nursing mother who could help him nurse the baby. i happened to be available at that time. i had just given birth to you and lost your father, too. i was desperate for a job and had to take up the offer. the man you grew up know as your father proposed to me a few years later.
he couldn't think of a better mother for his two daughters, and neither did he mind that i had my own daughter, too. he was willing to become your father.
I've read your story and i like it, please read my story here