Anarchy Trek - Episode 10

in #fictionlast year (edited)


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Episode 10

Scene 1

The Blazing Muffin has just gone into orbit around Ninjoctopus and sent Pokher to the underwater world of the Ninjoctopi. Pokher navigates through a breathtaking array of crystal structures on various levels and depths. It is a vibrant and colorful world of spontaneous order. She finally arrives at the structure she’s looking for and finds her two friends. They are sparring in tentacle-to-tentacle combat. Pokher watches patiently as it is very rude to interrupt a practice session. After a few moments they stop, and turn their attention to Pokher.

Ninjoctopus 1: Hello, Pokher.

Pokher: Hey, Shimi. Hi Goji.

Shimi: Your sister was here recently.

Pokher: I know. That’s why I’m here. She told me about CUPGASS coming to mine the planet core.

Goji: If you’re here to offer assistance in the defense of our planet, we politely refuse.

Pokher: Why?

Shimi: Your defense methods would involve machines, would they not?

Pokher: Yes, of course.

Goji: And that is why we refuse. Machines cannot come to our home.

Pokher: But they’re going to destroy your home. You’ll allow this to happen?

Shimi: That’s so silly. If they bring machines here, it will be at their own peril.

Pokher: Overconfident bordering on arrogant.

Goji: Neither. Just certain.

Shimi: Would you like to join us for a feast of mollusks and funk fish?

Pokher: How can you be so calm when your civilization is about to be destroyed?

Goji: You should not be so fearful.

Pokher: I give up. I’m going back to my ship.

Shimi: Suit yourself. Very good to see you again, Pokher.

Pokher is beamed back up to The Blazing Muffin.

Blackjack: How did it go?

Pokher: Very bad. They don’t want any help. They have no idea what’s about to happen.

Tom: So, back to Planet Placer?

Blackjack: Firm no.

Pokher: Wait a minute. (thoughtful pause) They said that machines cannot come to their home. They don’t live in orbit, so technically, if we stop the invasion from here, we won’t be disobeying their wishes.

Pixel: That’s an interesting angle.

Tom: Sounds like a stretch to me.

Blue: Stay out of this, Tom.

Tom: Oh, fine.

Computer: I hate to interrupt this super productive conversation, but a CUPGASS vessel is calling.

Blackjack; Put ‘em on screen.

Admiral Illu and General Sion appear on screen.

Admiral Illu: Ah, you again.

Blackjack: Hey, did you win that contest for most pins and medals on your uniform?

General Sion: We are conducting official CUPGASS business on this planet. Do not interfere.

Pokher: You’re mining for Zoom ore, right?

Admiral Illu: That’s not your concern.

Pokher: Do you or anyone you represent own property on Ninjoctopus?

General Sion: Again, none of your business. Why does that matter?

Blackjack: Have any of the Ninjoctopi agreed to allow your operations there?

Admiral Illu: No, but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Pokher: You have no right to mine there or to be there without their permission.

Admiral Illu: This is your one and only warning. Leave here or be dealt with. Illu out.

Illu and Sion disappear from the screen.

Blackjack: Well, now we have a conundrum.

Pixel: Indeed. Multiple CUPGASS ships are preparing to launch small craft with mining equipment to the planet’s surface.

Blue: What are you gonna do, Blackjack?

Pixel: And that’s not all. They’re sending five highly armed craft to the surface, with life signs in the dozens.

Tom: What’s the population of Ninjoctopus?

Pixel: Remote scans are uncertain, but probably a few hundred million.

Tom: They’re only sending that many soldiers?

Pokher: They know there aren’t any advanced weapons down there to stop them. Beam me back down.

Blackjack: Are you nuts? Why?

Pokher: I have to at least warn them!

Blue: You can’t even bring any weapons to defend yourself!

Pokher: I won’t be long. Give me a chance, Blackjack.

Blackjack: Ok, I’ll give you an hour. That’s it.

Pokher is beamed back to Shimi and Goji’s neighborhood in the crystaline labyrinth of the Ninjoctopi. After a few minutes of searching, she manages to find them meditating after their feast.

Pokher (urgent): Shimi, Goji!

Shimi: It’s bad luck to interrupt a meditation session.

Pokher: They’re coming! CUPGASS is invading your world and will be here any minute.

Meanwhile, back on The Blazing Muffin….

Computer: One of the CUPGASS ships is targeting weapons on our shield generators.

Blackjack: Call ‘em.

A moment later, Illu and Sion are back on screen.

Admiral Illu: You didn’t listen to our warning.

Blackjack: I heard ya just fine, but I just refuse to follow orders, that’s all.

General Sion: You do so at your own peril.

Transmission ends.

Computer: They’re firing an array of phase changing torpedoes at us.

Blackjack: Send jamming frequencies to their torpedoes.

Pixel: All torpedoes except one knocked off course.

Tom: What about the other one?

Blackjack: Stay out of this, Tom.

Tom: You never let me do anything!

Computer: Torpedo hit on our forward shields. Holding at 60 percent.

Blackjack: Pixel, take evasive maneuver “unfortunate meet up”.

Meanwhile, back on Ninjoctopus, the invasion force is diving deeper underwater and reaches the crystal world of the Ninjoctopi. The machines are heard before they are seen.

Shimi: What’s that noise?

Goji: Very strange.

Pokher: It’s them. What are you gonna do?

The machines start to come into view as they get closer to the surface.

Shimi: I suppose we could go watch.

Pokher (frustrated): How can you be so calm?! You’re being invaded!

Goji: Let’s follow the machines and watch. Would you like to join us, Pokher?

Pokher: I don’t know why I’m saying yes, but I’m saying yes.

Shimi, Goji, and Pokher follow the ships and mining rigs for a few minutes. The rigs stop at a spot they’ve designated as optimal for mining.

Shimi: They are near a crevice. So stupid.

Pokher: What? Why?

Goji: The crevice is an opening to the core. Very stupid of them.

Pokher: I don’t get it!

Shimi: Be patient.

One of the mining machines crawls toward the crevice. It is about to enter. Flanking the mining equipment are a few order-followers, including Ensign Rob and Lieutenant Berry. They all have multiple machines on them, including weapons. Thousands of Ninjoctopi watch with bemused calm. Suddenly, an unspeakably huge, psychedelically colored dragon with a mouth the size of a castle pops out of the crevice and eats the mining equipment.

Pokher: What the $#%*!

All Ninjoctopi continue to watch with bemused and calm fascination. Ensign Rob, Lieutenant Berry, and the rest of the CUPGASS order-followers scream and are quickly devoured by the dragon.

Pokher: Why didn’t you tell me a machine-eating dragon lived in your planet’s core?

Shimi: You never asked.

Pokher is beamed out and appears back on The Blazing Muffin.

Pixel: Ok, we got her! I’m getting us out of here!

Blackjack: Not a minute too soon!

The Blazing Muffin streaks away from their battle with the USS Jeopardize.

Pixel: What happened down there? Are you ok?

Pokher: They’ll be fine. You’re not gonna believe this.

Pokher quickly explains about the machine-eating, psychedelically-colored dragon.

Tom: Wow, now that’s a great reason to not have machines.

Pixel: Makes total sense.

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