A Christmas Story?

in #fiction7 years ago


This story has a soundtrack! Click here to listen.

”Fuck them. Fuck them all. I can’t stand this anymore.”

”Jesus, calm down! Is it really that bad?”

Jesus looked at Gabriel and frowned.

”Of course it is. Have you seen what they’re doing? Total bullshit! They’re acting like it’s my birthday, which is completely wrong by the way, and then on top of that, they’re giving each other gifts? Are you kidding me? Do you know how long it has been since anybody gifted me anything?”

”I remember some woman trying to give you some nice oil …”


Gabriel rolled his eyes. Jesus could be such a drama queen sometimes, especially on Christmas. Every year the same discussion. It’s not like he could just leave the humans be humans.

”If it’s all so horrible, why don’t you go down and tell them how to do it right? Or are you just going to stand here, complaining for several days?” Like every year, Gabriel silently added in his thoughts. Jesus seemed to think about it for a minute.

”You know what”, he said, ”I guess you’re right. I should go down and tell them to get their shit together. In fact, I’m going right now!” @suesa
”Do you think that is wise?” Gabriel already regretted his suggestion. This couldn’t end well.

”I’m Jesus. Everything I do is wise.”

”Even the thing with the fig tree? That seemed a little bit over the top …”

”That tree totally deserved to die. I was hungry and it was not carrying any fruit.”

”It wasn’t the season and you knew that. You just wanted to show off your powers.”

The pissed look from Jesus made Gabriel bite his tongue. Maybe not the best moment for criticism of past actions. But when was it ever? What would Jesus do? Certainly not something completely thought through.

”It’s settled, I’m going. Tell my father I’ll be gone for a few days.”

”You know that he already knows. Being omniscient and all.”

”Smartass.” Shaking his head, Jesus turned around. In the blink of an eye, his clothing changed to something appropriate for the occasion. A dark, woolen coat, some winter boots, a pair of jeans, a thick scarf and a pink beanie.

”Why the pink beanie?” Gabriel asked, slightly confused.

”To piss off some homophobes, why else?” And with that he vanished into thin air. Gabriel let out a sigh. Part of him was looking forward to the events that might unfold, the other part dreaded even more complaining during the coming centuries.

It was already dark. One more thing Jesus didn’t like about the fact that they put his alleged birthday in the middle of winter: It was just too dark and too cold. Longingly, he thought back to the country of his birth. So warm, so sunny. They wouldn’t have put Christmas in the middle of fucking winter, he knew it. But the damn Europeans just had to adopt the religion and let it all go to shit. And then came the Americans with their pseudo-Christianity…

”A small donation for hungry children in Africa, Mister?” A small woman, at least 60 years old, was holding a donation box into his face with a pleading look.

Of course, Jesus had no money. But those who can turn water into wine can surely turn air into money. He gave that woman $10.

”God bless you, have a wonderful Christmas!”

”Sure, whatever.” He could have given her more, but how much would have been enough? Creating money out of nothing would just ruin everything in the long run. He didn’t want to destroy the economy.

Not again.

His feet lead him to a big mall with a giant Christmas tree propped up in the middle. People were buying the last gifts. Why did so many people wait until the 23rd?

Suddenly, Jesus noticed that he had no idea what he wanted to do. Perform some miracles? People would just blame it on cheap magic tricks. Reveal himself as the son of God and tell everyone they should change their ways? The guy he passed on his way here had already been doing that.

Jesus sat down on one of the benches. Somehow, going back to earth had sounded like a better idea when he had been arguing with Gabriel. Humanity just wasn’t the same as it had been 2000 years ago. They were so many more people. Their wars were so much worse, their hatred so much more intense. He wished that he could just ask his father for a new flood to give it all a fresh start …

… but why wait for his father to do that? Why not do it himself? And maybe not a flood, that was so outdated. He wanted something more … fitting.

A man in red clothes walked by. Santa Claus. They were everywhere, people associated Christmas more with this fat man with a white beard than with Jesus. His hands curled into fists. Maybe he should give them a reason for that.

”Hey, Santa!” He called out and the man turned around, giving him a beaming smile.

”How can I help you, young man?” Jesus stood up from the bench and approached the costumed actor.

”I have a Christmas wish. Can I tell you? In secret?” The man seemed a bit confused but gave his best to stay in Character.

”Of course, son. Want to whisper it in my ear?” Jesus did just that. Santa’s eyes went blank. Then he left. Now it was time to sit back and wait for things to unfold.

Santas were marching the streets. Myriads of men in red, bulky clothing came from seemingly everywhere. Knocking down doors, coming into rooms and dragging the screaming inhabitants outside. It was like a scene from a bad horror movie.

Jesus watched with delight. Best. Christmas. Ever.

”Jesus, what do you think you’re doing?” Gabriel appeared out of seemingly thin air and stared at Jesus in disgust. ”What the actual fuck is happening?”

”I was in the mood for a small apocalypse. Don’t worry, only those who didn’t go to church all year are subject to this. Although those aren’t really any better. Maybe I’ll come for them some other time.”

”Have you gone completely mad? Is this just because you’re pissed about them not properly celebrating your Birthday?”

”It is not even my birthday! They worship this fat, old man, not me! And if they really feel like doing that, fine.”

”Come on, Jesus, stop that. It’s childish.”

”YOU are childish.” Now actual tears were forming in Jesus’ eyes. ”You don’t know what it feels like! I gave them everything, I suffered for them and what are they doing? They pervert everything that’s even slightly connected to me. They abuse my name for their hateful speech and then expect to still be able to go to heaven. And the worst thing? They are going to heaven, because I literally died for all of them, no matter their faith or behavior! Tell me that isn’t something to be upset about, come on!”

In this moment Gabriel realized something he hadn’t ever thought about before. Jesus wasn’t like God. He wasn’t just an eternal, omnipotent creature. Not 100% at least. He had been born a human, grown up as a human, made human experiences, suffered and died as a human.

He had feelings like a human. And nobody was taking care of that.

Gabriel approached Jesus, slowly, and put his armed around his shoulders.

”Let’s go home. End this and just come back home with me.”

Like a hurt child, Jesus wiped away some tears, hesitated for a moment and then took a deep breath. Gabriel could almost feel the tension fade. Jesus raised a hand and waved it in the general direction of the horde of Santa Zombies, making them vanish.

”I can’t believe you managed to bake an actual cake. And how did you even fit that many candles on it?! That has to be a record.”

”Supernatural powers”, Gabriel grinned. ”Come on, blow them out and make a wish.”

”Can I wish to have this every birthday from now on?” Jesus asked with a hopeful face.

”Sure, if it keeps you from terrorizing humanity, why not.”

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Pictures taken from pixabay.com


Hi @suesa, The musical video soothing and beautiful. The story-writing skills are very high. It kept me connected until I read it all. The ending was on a lesson that could help remove a lot of negative things in this world if taken seriously and acted upon. Your personality is multi-faceted and that makes you special. When many others are busy in Christmas celebrations, you came up with a unique idea and conveyed a very important message. One reason that differentiates you from rest of the authors at Steemit.

Sometimes, I wonder what happened if I had not a fan of your writing. :)

Best post of the day!

Steem On!

Really great story! First I was quite confused about the fact that Jesus is swearing but it caught my attention and I went on reading! The whole story was new and interesting and how you presented Jesus was hilarious! Also the happy ending made me feel warm inside because I could understand Jesus and was happy for him when he finally got a birthday cake :D
Merry Christmas to you and your family by the way!!!

Part where Jesus met Santa was pure gold. And part where he made money out of thin air :) Up till the end I thought this was gonna be a pure comedy.
But you actually made Jesus look cool... like... one of us.

What a good way to start Christmas. Thank you! You made me laugh :)
Enjoy your multiple parties. Hopefully cookies lasted this long and my predictions didn't came true.

My mom is Christian but always portrayed Jesus as some guy who just tried to do the right thing despite being human. I always felt like that's the most likely case, especially when you know the Bible stories I referenced.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story :) Christmas stories are tricky to write, if you don't just want to repeat the same themes over and over again

Hilarious! I love a profanity throwing Jesus! And Santa Zombies?!?! hahahahaha! Nice job!

Tbh, there is more than one bible story (yes I actually know several) that makes a foul-mouthed Jesus more than likely ^^

This was really brilliant!
Merry Christmas @suesa!! Enjoy your holidays! :)

Such an amazing version. It was an awesome story with a hopeful ending. I am just thinking about a supreme being having our kind of emotions and their intensity.

Happy holidays!

Merry Christmas to you :)@suesa, this is incredible!! I first was in shock with Jesus’ language :D then I laughed at his pink binnie and intention to wear it and finally was enthralled by your reflection of what has become of Christmas. Great ending!

Glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to write a Christmas story that's not so traditional. Merry Christmas <3

You nailed it! 😂

Jesus scares me..
Very good post mate haha

Me too, me too.

Making money out of thin air? I guess Jesus must have found a job at the Fed (Federal Reserve). If Jesus wanted to terrorize everyone for his birthday I wonder what will happen at Easter.. :)

Let's see if Gabriel can keep him in heaven around Easter..

Anyway you made me smile, I'll have to wait for Easter and see..in the meantime stay away from Santa Zombies and enjoy a Merry Christmas! :)

Hi suesa
I was really not expecting this twist in a Christmas story but I really really enjoyed it.
I wouldn't mind the ability to make money out of thin air though;)
I wish you and the family a very Merry Xmas and an awesome new year:)

You too <3

WOOOOW The plot is dramatic and wonderful

Isn't it Michael that undertakes the mission impossibles.... ? :)
Very nice story @suesa

Honestly, I don't know much about the jobs the angels have :P Gabriel was just the first that came to my mind while writing.

Is it only nature ?
Is it only physics laws?
Is it only science as we know it?

Keanu Reeves actually undertakes Mission Impossible

oh my god is a perfect story @suesa I read it without closing my eyes I really like <3 <3 <3

Why would you close your eyes while reading? :P

my english is very bad: D I never closed my eyes when I read the article :D d

Nice story. Did you come with it all yourself or combine different sources of info?

well, the events referenced in the beginning are actual bible stories but overall, this story is all mine.

Fair enough, in that case you deserve the upvotes that you got. I cant sta d it when people copy and paste stuff thats not theres.

Yeah, same, they're a plaque. When I don't write fiction I usually give my information sources at the end but the text itself is as original as possible.

Carol Of The Bells... Believe me I literally shocked to listen very first music track. It is so beautiful and I listened it at least 5 time. No on this is my favorite. Your sense of writing is unbelievable, at steemit you're in my top 5 list of BEST WRITERS IN ALL TIME.
All the best for your future and your hard work. A very beautiful and lovely MARRY CHRISTMAS. Stay Blessed!Hi @suesa first off I must say that I love your Title picture, It is so attractive. After that when I clicked on the soundtrack

Thank you for sharing story.

a very nice Christmas story thank u ;)
Christmas is the blessed season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love! I wish you a merry Christmas! @suesa

On Christmas Day I like to read these stories with a tea in front of the fireplace! A background music, fireplace, will go perfect along with a hot coffee! Thank you. @suesa

This IS the Christmas miracle. A happy ending in the story, it seems! Jesus was a well written character, as I wasn't sure if he's annoying or if I can understand how he is feeling.

But what would I know, I'm not omnipotent person living forever, so I can't understand what that feels like.

Also, no celebrations should be had in winter. Someone made a comment about Finnish independence day which is in the winter. We should have it in the summer like in the US, so we could have a barbecue outside. But NOOO. It is in winter, so everyone is sitting inside.
Edit: only to point out I understand Jesus being upset his birthday being celebrated in winter.

thank you !!! excellent story. good enough expression..


Merry christmas you too. I like this soundtrack

The song is one of the most amazing musical pieces ever!

best orchestra from hell :v

Merry Xmas and a prosperous new years in advance...keep writing.

Hahaha!.. The Jesus in this story is so funny.. I loved the story.

I first time read the story of christmas in detail from your blog and background sound track is awsome.
keep enjoying this fabolous festival.
"Merry Christmas"

Firstly, Congrats on creating a YouTube channel (I'm assuming this , please correct me if I'm wrong.) The video was relevant and very good. Secondly, the characterization, dialogues, flow of story, length and above all the end all is on its place and to the point.

Merry Christmas!

The video isn't mine, neither is the Youtube channel ^^

Good post, nice sound track, beautiful pictures, fantastic xmas story. My up vote for you.

This is so good

... The money exchangers are still in control ... The temple is under occupation

very good story, I liked it very much, thank you: D

Nice story, captivated till the end.

Merry Christmas :) wish you all the best. Upvoted and followed you. You could checkout our decoration here. https://steemit.com/christmas/@vicky-vick/christmas-mood-3

Very kinda funny.
Damn it's only one Christmas, you should do more ☺

Upvoted, followed, and resteemed -- thanks! I will take advantage of this service at some point, thanks for making it. (Although another 200 or so and I won't qualify, which is also pretty neat! :) )

I like that your "welcome bot" welcomed yourself on this post. :)


good article men I like

I like it,,your post is very good, how can you get an idea like this?

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Nice one bro!! Hope u follow me too