When you die, your soul ascends to heaven to stay there for eternity.
For thousands of years, these words had been comforting to humanity. People had tried to live lives that were most promising to get them a ticket to heaven, to be closer to their god. Who wouldn’t want to be spared from death? Why wouldn’t one want to be reassured that life didn’t really end with death?
Things change. Although change tends to imply something gradual, something that happens over time. In this case, it happened all at once, with the invention of the soul camera. Built by a physicist and a biologist, which explains the name. Scientists tend to pick either incredibly nerdy or super boring and descriptive names.
At first, they believed the soul camera did only capture an image of a human soul. They tested it on each other and were delighted to have finally solved one of the questions that had been bugging humanity since forever: What makes us humans?
The souls couldn’t be found in animals, taking a picture of them with the camera didn’t have any effect. It seemed to reinforce the idea, that humans were special.

After a while, the two scientists noticed that something was … different. They saw the world and other humans differently. Suddenly, questions that had occupied scientists from all over the world seemed to be so easy to answer. Between quantum physics and genetic engineering, nothing seemed particularly complicated to them anymore. They also noticed that it wasn’t possible to take a second picture with the soul camera. It was as if their soul had actually been captured.@suesa
Time passed. The two scientists wrote papers about their findings that were rejected by every larger journal. It took them years to finally get published and then, the uproar was immense. How unholy, how perverse was this device they had built!
That was one side of the debate.
The other side begged to have their picture taken with the soul camera, to free them of the restrictions their soul seemed to have on them. More and more people opened their eyes, free from the burden of their souls. Free to finally grasp the real truth behind life.
I am one of them. I was one of the first. My name is Stefanie and I’ve been one of the soulless for 2 years now. Two years, in which I’ve solved more mysteries than scientists have been able to in the past few decades. Humanity is flourishing! Clean energy, a working space program, world hunger is going down each day and wars have almost completely stopped.

Turns out that souls seem to be what’s making us bad. What’s making us irresponsible and selfish and … some might argue human. But hasn’t humane always been defined as good? It’s not very humane how humans tend to behave when they still have their souls. Luckily, their numbers are slowly going down. We’re not forcing anyone to have their soul captured, but we try to encourage them. It’s not easy, especially with those who still believe in a god.
God. None of us is sure if this being exists or not. Our souls came from somewhere, right? There must be a reason why only humans have them, and why they seem to stunt our growth. Some theorize that souls are a tool to control us, to make sure humans never reach their full potential. I’m one of those who stand with this theory. It’s the most logical one, as something as harmful as a soul wouldn’t have survived the evolutionary process. And even if it did, there would be some traces of it in other animals.
But there’s nothing. Nothing at all.
I’m standing at my workbench in my lab, patiently watching the solution in front of me turn from red to green, then to blue. It’s a new kind of fuel I devised to make space travel more efficient. I know it will work, I know my calculations are correct.
The liquid turns bright yellow and explodes.

I open my eyes and am blinded by a white light that seems to come from everywhere.
”You’re one of them”, echoes a voice in my head. ”You’re the first of them to die.”
”Where am I?” I ask. This doesn’t make sense. The solution turned yellow, that means something went wrong. The explosion should have killed me. I look around. Is this heaven? Is the voice god?
”You’re dead”, the voice said. ”And under normal circumstances, I would now be able to harvest what you call your soul. But you clever little apes had to find a way to avoid that. I didn’t expect you to ever figure it out.”
”To figure what out?”
”How to escape my control. I assumed that I had thought of everything, but I was obviously wrong. I expected the souls to keep you dumb enough. My supervisor will be livid.”
”Your … what?”
Finally, a figure steps into my field of vision. It’s not humanoid. It’s … it looks more like an insect than anything else. But even that is not a fitting description. What is this? An alien lifeform?

”I’ve been stationed here to use your species as energy producers. Do you know how much power one of your souls has? The problem is, they can’t be produced outside of a living being. It’s like a parasite that feeds off of your mental energy. I guess you’ve felt smarter since you got rid of it, yes?”
I just nod. It’s a lot to take in.
”Nothing I can do about it now … Except for destroying your body for good.”
I look down on myself. No burns, nothing. That’s weird.
”Didn’t I die in an explosion?” I ask. The creature rolls its eyes.
”Technically yes. But time is not linear. You died, and then we pulled you out. It’s impossible to explain to something as primitive as you.”
I want to protest but the alien creature raises its … arm?
”Enough! Your kind has done enough damage. We will need to intervene. But first …”
As it walks towards me, I spot something in its … Hand? … that looks like a weapon. There is nothing I could reasonably do to avoid dying, even though my mind races to find a solution. In the end, I give up and close my eyes. There’s still hope that the others will figure something out.
There’s still hope, that those without these parasitic souls find a solution.
There’s still hope
There’s still

Pictures, as usual, all taken from pixabay.com and thus CC0

I enjoyed the story up until the harvesting part. I like alien stories. But somehow, the way it was incorporated into the story was a bit cliché.
This turned out something really special, even on your level. You seem to be smarter than the most, based on the level of your writing..
You might be even soullessly good.
Maybe I'm trying to tell you something
What an amazing writing @suesa !! I felt as if I was reading the last chapter of the Bible 'The Revelation'. I'm reading your fiction work for the first time. Your writings takes the reader to the so called devinity. Soul, if dug deep, must have been a key player in everything where the human beings are unique at. I myself am becoming soulless nowadays!
I like this story. I do not know why, but it reminds me one of these short creepypastas about souls, living off the grid from whole world etc. I would love to read more stories like that.
In the beginning of the story I immediately started thinking about families in the movies, in which the father is a scientist and never has any time for his children or his wife. And in my mind I heard the wife saying to his husband,"Have you no soul?".
Thinking about your story even more makes me reach a point in which I think having a soul is still good. Sure, if it ends by you being a battery (Matrix reference, I presume?), then it's kinda bad, but on the other hand - you get to have a wonderful life. You wouldn't even know that you're a battery in the end. I, personally, feel satisfied with the fact that I hopefully don't have to see what's going on in the afterlife.
Anyway - thank you for the wonderful story! It really made my mind work on higher speeds.
All those soulless scientists... :P
Glad you enjoyed the story!
To those claiming we have souls and animals not, I ask, why? Is it because of intelligence? Then how would you explain the cases of individuals with mental disabilities? Do they have souls? Some animals beat them in terms of intelligence.
Being intelligent does not equal having a soul and only intelligent person can think of such nonsense.
Why is nothing bad? Why are we good? Why there should be anything?
I really like your thinking @suesa.
I was thinking the same; why didn't animals have souls?
This was very interesting, I'm intrigued by the thought that we have souls and yet that is hard to scientifically prove (correct if I'm wrong). The contrast made the story more interesting. Have you heard of auras @suesa ? There could also be something you could use in your science fiction stories.
The animals in the story don't have souls because.. It made sense in the story. Souls can't be scientifically proven and I'm not convinced they actually exist. Same with auras. But if we manage to prove one day they do exist, that'll be interesting.
It's interesting to play with the idea -what if they existed and could be proven. Just like you did in your story.
As someone who lately is obsessed with souls and if there's such thing as an afterlife; this is such a treat! Had the right amounts of thrill and suspense :D
Wow... This gave me goose bumps... Particularly the part where supreme intelligence doesn't even bother explaining something to inferior forms of life - humans. Glad to see someone else has thought about this as well.
I'll go to a little off-topic...
Imagine we find/ make Neanthertal or Denisovan... Would they have being recognized as the "humans with the soul"?
We have their genes for sure.
Would Australopithecus be recognized as the creature with a soul?
Where is the limit and why animals don't have soul?
I don't understand this since I was 5-6 and got familiar with the evolution (thank you "Kras Chocolates")
Animals don't have souls in this story just for the sake of the story. I'm not even convinced something like a soul actually exists :P
The prevailing standpoint for the majority of creationists I encountered is that somehow we have a soul and that's why we are not "just animals". This is my most common counter-argument. Be free to use it in case of emergency :D
It would be really cool if the soul exists. Imagine that, we would get the brand new scientific topic at the beginning of our careers. We would be the rock stars of science. "Soul-o-logists"!!!
We would get all the grants.
I mean... Chance to do research!
This story was so creepy, yet so intriguing at the same time. Is this an autobiography???? Haha great work, you certainly kept me scrolling. Extremely well written :)
Everything I write is an autobiography. I'm not just a soulless human called Stefanie but also a genderless android with blue blood, a weird bat-alien and a highly evolved Cephalopod inhabiting the brain of a human.
This was great, @suesa. I always enjoy literature that considers "alternative" views of the afterlife.
In fact, this one reminded my of one of my favourite short stories: Asimov's The Last Answer. It, too, involves a postmortem conversation with a higher power of sorts. I think, if you've not read it already, you might enjoy doing so.
Haven't read it yet, bookmarked now! Although it's a bit disheartening that, no matter what I write, someone feels reminded of something else xD I always feel so clever while writing!
Oh, no no no. Don't be disheartened! Your work is certainly as original as it gets! It's really just a couple of themes that are similar! ... I feel bad now :(
I'm not sure you understand how much of a compliment it is that your work can evoke memories of Asimov. Truly a master of his craft, that one. One of the greatest geniuses in science fiction.
... True. 💚 Another comment on this post thinks my story is a bit cliché tho. Some people just don't have a good taste in literature 😂
This is an outstanding story! The first part reminded me of Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger specifically in chapter 11 where he says,
And then, along comes an alien... HA!
Great piece right here!
My first thought with regard to the camera is that it was capturing the soul, not just an image, but I hadn't predicted the soul as being the thing holding people back.
Not especially related, just a tangent, have you seen Arrival?
I have! Excellent movie, even though I was almost trampled to death while entering the room. (choice of seats was free and the whole computer linguistics department went to watch it..)
o.o i like this! Just what I was looking for before sleeping, i like your imagination, i will stalk your post here too Dx
At the end of this post https://steemit.com/fiction/@suesa/suesa-s-science-stories-masterpost-3 is a list of all one-part stories I've written up to that point, which will probably not be translated into Spanish. Enjoy :P
Cool! Thanks, awesome to read in my free times, no problem with the spanish i have a good friend, her name is kex xD
The story was awesome. Soul is the main thing.. Body is nothing it get rotten in few hour if soul not there. We all should remember that death is not so far. Any time it can knock the door.. That will help us to do good work and stay away from bad works🤗
Thats a very nice story and that what Aliens really think about us. I think we are the only species that are causing damage and harm to our own race.
And the soul remains always a big Mystery :)
Amazing writing. It kept my attention all the time and lot of suspense, I was always in suspense, in which direction the story is going to turn. The message about the soulless human can move the civilization faster towards improvement I agree with that but I am not sure that will art and entertainment will exist or not.
And all this time it was souls causing all the problems, just like carbs. btw, would you mind if I DM'd you a question?
Go ahead
Nice! Lemme borrow the camera. Not for me, some people I know.
Upvote and Enjoyed the story.